Today is the ninth International Day of Peace, as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the International Day of Peace.
The UN website for the International Day of Peace has information about peacebuilding events and news, and ways you can get involved.
Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) has a resource guide for the International Day of Peace, with links and learning materials for educators and students.
Peace One Day, created by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, is also celebrating the day, with ways you can take action, and information about his documentary film, The Day After Peace.
In the words of Albert Einstein, “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be acheived by understanding.”
Que tal cessar o fogo? Aproveite a data …
Liberalism TRIUMPS conservatism any day, any hour, and every second.
I love this. Thank you for sharing. Maybe it’ll prevent my road rage today!!! 🙂
Pingback: E hoje não é somente o Dia da Árvore, é o Dia Internacional da Paz também « Homens Modernos
UN Peace Day submission.
We must disarm because
… this is so much simpler than people believe! In January this year I hosted a conference in Windsor Castle, England, supported by the Qatar Foundation, called ‘Giving Peace a Voice’. It showed how mathematics education may be used either to increase young people’s readiness to obey authority – which often leads to war – or to increase their confidence in their imagination and intelligence to treat other people as equal to themselves. A still deeper obstacle is the tendency of societies to increase their self-regulation until they become autistic – being then entirely incapable of dealing with other societies on an equal basis. Encouraging young people to use their imagination and reason can overcome this obstacle too. In short, to widen and straighten the road to peace, all we need to do is to teach even the most elementary mathematics with more compassion and more intelligence!
I like the Albert quote –
the ninth anninversary?? hm, strange… i read one article yesterday and it was said there about the 10th anniversary…
Universal Brotherhood is the necessity of the hour. It is not mere tolerance that is needed but acceptance of all as our own. There is only one existence and all living beings are its limbs. One harming another is like a man cutting his own limb. The concept of globalization needs all in the world to invoke this feeling of accepting the whole humanity as one’w own. I wish and pray that our globe moves towards this ideal perfection.
Swami Nishthatmananda
Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama
Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India