Meet the Staff

We caught up with our Stamford Campus Library Director Phara Bayonne and asked her a few questions. Phara has worked for the UConn Library since 2003 and even we learned a few new things about her!

Phara Bayonne, Director
UConn Library, Stamford Campus
Phara Bayonne, Director
UConn Library, Stamford Campus

How did you get into libraries?
I met a librarian at a career event, and we had a great conversation that drew me to investigate the field of librarianship 

What do you love most about working in a library?
I love helping people investigate and research information they need locating

In the midst of the pandemic, what do you do to take your mind off the crazy things happening in the world right now? 
I discovered TikTok

What’s your most used emoji?
Face palm

What was your first job?
Sales associate at a clothing retail store

What is on your reading list?
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson and Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett 

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
Checking my to-do list before checking email 

Do you have a hidden talent?
Double jointed in my arms

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
Time Travel

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, what would you pick?
Audible, YouTube, and Tidal 

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