The University’s department of Environmental Health & Safety received a request to do an air quality test in Babbidge and contracted with TRC Solutions out of Windsor, CT to do so. TRC preformed an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Assessment of Levels B and 1. The test on July 3rd included “visual and olfactory observations, total respirable dust air sampling, baseline IAQ parameter measurements of temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide; as well as the qualitative mold spore air and surface sampling.” The summary findings indicated the air handling and filtration system is working very well, and there are minimal or “rare” instances of fungal spores in the air and on surfaces. They believe that the new filtration system with its backup filters and cleaning of the ductwork done during the 1998 renovations is the main reason that this facility is performing well and that the air quality in Babbidge Library is one of the cleanest on campus. There were a few recommendations dealing with standing water near the air handling units that will be addressed with facilities.
There was some questions from staff about stack and general facility maintenance (dusty ceiling vents, shelving, etc.) and EH&S suggested that this is consistent with many buildings on campus and the dust did not create any elevated airborne dust levels. However, she did suggested that it would be appropriate for us to address these to prevent the eventual redistribution of the dust into the air of the library. Dave will be contacting Dave Loetrek, from University Building Services and GCA (the University’s’ cleaning service) to discuss the options going forward with this.
The full report is available for anyone interested.