Human Rights in the USA Film Series: “The Least of These”

Please join the us for the October film for the 2009-2010 Human Rights Film Series: Human Rights in the USA.

the least of these photo

 Film:  The Least of These (2009)
Directed by Clark and Jesse Lyda

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
4:00 pm, Konover Auditorium

The Least of These offers a look at one of the most controversial aspects of American immigration policy:  family detention.  

The detention of immigrant children inside the T. Don Hutto Residential Center, a former medium-security prison in Texas now operated by a private corporation leads to controversy when three activist attorneys discover troubling conditions at the facility, as families await asylum hearings or deportation proceedings.  This compelling documentary film explores the role – and limits – of community activism, and considers how American rights and values apply to the least powerful among us.

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