New Human Rights Books and Films at Homer Babbidge Library

Summer is a great time for research, and Babbidge Library has a number of new resources available for human rights.

Human Rights General 

Mahoney, John. Challenge of Human Rights:  Origin, Development and Significance.  JC571 .M25 2007 

Fisclin, Daniel.  Concise Guide to Global Human Rights.  JC571 .F58 2007 

Li, Xiaorong.  Ethics, Human Rights and Culture:  Beyond Relativism and Universalism  JC571 .L52828 2006 

Andreassen, Bard.  Development as a Human Right:  Legal, Political, and Economic Dimensions.  JC571 .N636 2003  

Delaet, Debra L.  Global Struggle for Human Rights:  Universal Principles in World Politics. JC571 .D374 2006 

Landman, Todd.  Studying Human Rights.  JC571 .L249 2006 

Perry, Michael J.  Toward a Theory of Human Rights:  Religion, Law, Courts.  JC571 .P4215 2007 

Child Labor  

Wiener, Myron.  Child and the State in
India:  Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective.
  HD6250.I42 W45 2000 

Williams, Mary E.  Child Labor and SweatshopsHD6231 .C455 2006 

Hindman, Hugh D.  Child Labor:  An American History.  HD6250.U3 H53 2002 

Cigno, Alessandro.  Economics of Child LabourHD6231 .C47 2005 

Cathryne L. Schmitz.  Child Labor:  A Global View.  HD6231 .C453 2004 

Conflict and Peacebuilding   

Bouris, Erica.  Complex Political Victims.   JC571 .B6725 2007 

Mertus, Julie.  Human Rights and Conflict:  Exploring the Link Between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding.  JC571 .C68727 2006 

Daly, Erin.  Finding Common Ground:  Reconciliation in Divided Societies.  JC571 .D332 2007 

Govier, Trudy.  Taking Wrongs Seriously:  Acknowledgment, Reconciliation, and the Politics of Sustainable Peace.  JC578 .G68 2006 

Rothbart, Daniel.  Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict  HM1121 .I34 2006 

Economic Rights  

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda.  Economic Rights in Canada and the
United States
JC599.C2 E36 2006 

Fair Trade   

Fridell, Gavin.  Fair Trade Coffee:  The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social JusticeHD9199.D44 F75 2007 

Nicholls, Alex.  Fair Trade:  Market-Driven Ethical Consumption.  HF1379 .N53 2005 

Littrell, Mary Ann.  Social Responsibility in the Global Market:  Fair Trade of Cultural Products.   HD2341 .L58 1999

Gender Issues   

Billet, Bret.  Cultural Relativism in the Face of the West:  The Plight of Women and Female ChildrenJC571 .B542 2007 


Prunier, Gerard. 
Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide. 
DT159.6.D27 P78 2005 

Global Development  

Peerenboom, R.P. 
China Modernizes:  Threat to the West or Model for the Rest?  
JC599.C6 P43 2007 


Reynolds, David B.  Taking the High Road:  Communities Organize for Economic Change.  HN65 .R477 2002 

Reynolds, David B.  Partnering for Change:  Unions and Community Groups Build Coalitions for Economic Justice.  HD8072.5 .P375 2004 

Gold, Michael Evan.  Introduction to Labor LawKF3319 .G62 1998 

Living Wage   

Pollin, Robert.  Living Wage:  Building a Fair Economy.  HD4918 .P65 2000 

Glickman, Laurence B.  Living Wage:  American Workers and the Making of Consumer SocietyHD6983 .G475 1999 

Weinbaum, Eve S.  To Move a Mountain:  Fighting the Global Economy in
HD5708.55.U62 A558 2004 

Levin-Waldman, Oren M.  Political Economy of the Living Wage:  A Study of Four Cities.  HD4975 .L428 2005  

Quigley, William P.  Ending Poverty as We Know it:  Guaranteeing a Right to a Job at  a Living Wage.  HD4975 .Q54 2003 

Race Issues   

Harrison, Faye V.  Resisting Racism and Xenophobia:  Global Perspectives on Race, Gender and Human Rights.  JC571 .R4752 2005 

Jung, Moon-Kie.  Reworking Race:  The Making of Hawaii’s Interracial Labor Movement.  HD8083.H3 J86 2006 

New Films on Human Rights  

Transnational Tradeswomen.  2006.   HD6073.B92 A85 2006 

A documentary by former construction worker, Vivian Price, depicting the contemporary and historical roles of women in the construction industry in
Asia.  Women have been performing construction work in
Asia for centuries; however industrialization is not benefiting women, as their jobs are being replaced by machinery.  The film shows that technological progress does not always result in gender equality or the alleviation of poverty.

In the Tall Grass.  2006.  KTD182.9 .I5 2006 

This documentary of post-genocide Rwanda depicts the Hutu and Tutsi in
Rwanda’s unique reconciliation process: Gacaca, a network of grassroots community courts. The film explores the challenges for countries transitioning from violence to peace.