Library pilots new Mobile Collaboration Stations

collaboration station screen

Sick of doing group studying and projects all huddling around a small laptop screen? Head over to the library!

This week, two “Mobile Collaboration Stations” where introduced to Level 1 of Homer Babbidge.  These stations, paid for through the student technology fee, consist of a large computer touch screen on a rolling stand that can be transported to anywhere on the first floor.

The stations are made to encourage collaboration and convenience.  The touch screen is ideal for using the station like a white board or going through presentations or charts with a group so that everyone can see and participate in whatever is being reviewed.  Student groups can already be seen rolling one over to their own little corner, or testing out the touch screen white board in their spare time.

If they do not want to utilize the touch screen, students can check out a mouse and keyboard from the iDesk on the Plaza Level.

At this point, the stations are only available on the first floor and must be returned to their dock by the Q center after use. However, if people find them useful for academics, library staff will consider adding more to other floors.

Stop by Level 1 and check them out today- they have arrived just in time for all of your group studying sessions for finals!

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