Renovations to Bookworms

This is the time of year that Bookworms often closes to clean and buff the floors but this year the closure is so much more.  As you have likely seen through the windows, Bookworms is transforming their space to better serve their customers.

The changes will not decrease the available seating, but will eliminate the self-serve coffee functions.  The new staff work area will be bumped out into the area where they now have the bagels and other grab-an-go items giving them a much larger are to work in. The front will include refrigerator systems and the condiments station will be double sided and in the same general area they were before.  The toaster will also be in the same general area, with the plan to be to have that against the glass.

The image below is part of the concept design so may not be what the finished product looks like, but it will certainly give you a sense of the new look and feel.

Copyright of Corsair Display Systems, LLC.

Copyright of Corsair Display Systems, LLC.

They are pushing to have the work done for opening at the beginning of the semester and we will keep our fingers crossed that it happens!

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