Martha’s Message – February 7, 2017

Upcoming Staff Shifts

With more upcoming changes in our staffing, including new hires and retirements, we will take the opportunity to shift some job roles and responsibilities between our units to continue to strengthen our organizational structure. The changes being made are a way to capitalize on what is an increasingly fluid environment, both externally and internally, as well as a way to continue to focus on our Purposeful Path Forward. I have already begun talking to people who will be directly affected by this upcoming reorganization and will continue to do that before we make any official moves.

Budget Hearing

Last week Holly and I presented our current fiscal situation and future budgetary needs at our annual budget hearing. As you may recall in a prior message, the University asked each unit to consider an up-front one-time fund sweep or a longer-term permanent reduction to our base budget. Our strategies are dependent upon our ability to rebuild our staff, therefore we proposed the one-time fund give back as the route to achieve that goal. The budget materials and presentation was well received, including our suggested hiring plan.  I received positive feedback from the members of the review group, including  Dean Teitelbaum who I met with  on Monday for the first time as Provost.

Save the Date for Martha’s Mashup

Please hold March 1 for my Spring Mashup. A more formal announcement will be coming once we confirm the date, but the agenda will include information on the staff changes, hiring plan, and budget hearing.

OER Updates

Last Thursday I met with Representative Haddad and members of the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee to discuss the potential for funded OER legislation in the upcoming session. We came to an agreement on priorities for state-wide impact which will take the form of a bill for which there will be a hearing in this session. On Friday I met with the Council of Connecticut Academic Library Directors (CCALD) regarding the advances in OER initiatives across the state as well as what UConn has been able to accomplish, which all agreed was impressive. I am hopeful that the award winners of the Provost’s OER incentives will be announced in the near future so that we can celebrate additional progress and savings for our students.


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