The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology (ERIC/IT) and the AskERIC Service have been discontinued as a result of reorganization of the ERIC program by the United States Department of Education.
Most of the resources previously found on the ERIC/IT and AskERIC websites may be found at
The Educator’s Reference Desk:
Additional education resources may be found at The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM):
While the Educator’s Reference Desk website includes most of the resources formerly found on AskERIC, the AskERIC question answering service is not included.
Try the National Library of Education’s (NLE) toll-free number for your education questions. 1-800-424-1616 or e-mail
The United States Department of Education’s website for searching the ERIC Database is
If you have problems searching the ERIC database on that website, call 1-800-LET-ERIC
(1-800-538-3742) or click on “Contact ERIC” on the website header.