The Family Division announces its 2005 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers should be of professional quality, and may relate to any aspect of sociology of the family. Authors should be currently enrolled as graduate students, or individuals who received their Ph.D.s in May 2004 or later. To be eligible, a paper may not be published, accepted, or under review for publication. Papers that have been presented at a professional meeting or submitted for presentation at a professional conference are eligible. Papers must be student-authored; they can be authored by one or more students, but may not be co-authored with a faculty member or non-student. Papers should be no more than 35 pages in length, including all notes, references, and tables. Send papers and a cover letter specifying that the paper is to be considered for the Family Division Graduate Student Paper Competition to:
Nancy Mezey
Department of Political Science/Sociology
400 Cedar Avenue
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898.
Alternatively, papers may be sent electronically to Dr. Mezey at:
Papers are due no later than JANUARY 15, 2005. The winner and any runners-up will be announced in Spring 2005. The winner(s) will receive a modest cash stipend, registration fees, and an opportunity to present her/his paper at the SSSP conference, held in August 2005 in Philadelphia.