The Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan (DD/ILL) webpage has a new look, as well as new online book and article request forms.
In order to use the new forms, you will need to identify your university NetID. In addition, you will also need to use a password associated with your NetID. You can both find your NetID and create a NetID password at this location:
When you log on to use our new request forms with your NetID, your personal information will accompany any loan or photocopy request you make.
Once you have submitted your requests, log out of the application by clicking the Log Out button. Just as you do now, you will receive an email confirmation of each loan or document request you place with our new forms.
You can also track the progress of your requests by choosing the “View Articles Online” menu button. This button not only will allow you to view your new PDF documents, but it will also allow you to track the progress of the requests you place using our new forms.
If you have any questions about these new request forms, please contact us at