Ebsco and WilsonWeb

We will be seeing some changes to our subscribed databases come the end of July. Wilson OmniFile and Wilson Biological and Agricultural Index will be taken down, and the following EBSCO products will be officially available for our users 8/1/05:

Academic Search FullTEXT Premier
MasterFILE FullTEXT Premier
MLA (available since 7/1/05-)
Professional Development Collection
Religion and Philosophy Collection
GLBT Life with Full Text
Computer source
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

There will be a month overlap with existing interfaces for the following databases, EconLit (SilverPlatter), and NTIS (SilverPlatter). Then SilverPlatter will disappear for these two databases.

And finally, these changes will effect out Homer records, A-Z journals list and Link FinderPlus. We are trying to coordinate the changes as best we can but there may be some glitches along the way. Individual titles may not appear/disappear from A-Z list of Homer exactly on target…but we’ll keep you posted along the way.

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