New Books this Month at the Jeremy Ricahrd Library
International organization and global governance : a reader / [edited by] Friedrich Kratochwil, Edward D. Mansfield. , 2nd ed. New York : Pearson/Longman, c2006. Stamford Library JZ1318 .I57 2006
Greening Connecticut cities and towns : managing public trees and community forests / edited by Robert M. Ricard and Glenn D. Dreyer. Storrs, Conn. : University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2005. Stamford Library Oversize SB436 .G74 2005
Collapsing bubble : growth and fossil energy / Lindsey Grant. Santa Ana, CA. : Seven Locks Press, c2005. Stamford Library TP318 .G73 2005
Religion in America / Mary E. Williams, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library BL2525 .R4645 2006
Two years before the mast and other voyages / Richard Henry Dana, Jr. New York : Library of America : Distributed to the trade in the United States by Penguin Putnam, c2005. Stamford Library G540 .D2 2005
Population : opposing viewpoints / Karen F. Balkin, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2005. Stamford Library HB871 .P6296 2005
International economics / Robert J. Carbaugh. , 10th ed. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western, c2005. Stamford Library HF1359 .C37 2005 Advertising / Laura K. Egendorf, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library HF5831 .A34 2006
Popular culture : opposing viewpoints / John Donald Woodward, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2005. Stamford Library HN90.M3 P66 2005
American immigration and ethnicity : a reader / edited by David Gerber and Alan M. Kraut. New York : Palgrave Macmillian, 2005. Stamford Library JV6465 .A64 2005
Globalization / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library JZ1318 .G57862 2006