Walk only a few blocks from the UConn Stamford Campus to view another James Daughtery WPA mural at The Ferguson Library! The Ferguson Library, Stamford’s public library is the new home of a spectacular piece of Amercian Art. “New England Tradition,” one of seven New Deal murals painted for Stamford High School by renowned artist James Daugherty (1887-1974), is on display. The mural hangs on a wall near the second floor landing of the Main Library.
Read more about it in the library’s newsletter “Focus on Ferguson” January 2007 issue.
Come in to the UConn Stamford’s Jeremy Richard Library to view “School Activities” another of James Daughtery’s WPA murals. School Activities, now on public view for the first time in 35 years, is on loan to the University of Connecticut from the City of Stamford.Read more in the JRL Spring 2006 newsletter