Please be aware that the writing workshop scheduled for Weds. Feb. 6th -in the e-classroom has been relocated to the Conference Room instead.
The Source Writing Center is offering biweekly Writing Workshops in the Librar’s Thomson eClassroom.
1/30: Writing Anxiety
2/6: Brainstorming & Paper Planning
2/20: Thesis Statement Development
3/5: Organization & the Craft of Revision
3/19: Grammar & Sentence Mechanics
4/2: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA
4/16: Using and Quoting Sources: APA
4/30: Written Test Taking Strategies
WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD TWICE A DAY: 11:30 am – 12;30 pm AND 4:30-5:30 PM
Bring your current work! Drop in at any point during the workshop. For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins, Assistant Coordinator of Writing melissa.mullins ‘at’