The First Academic Integrity Awarness Week at the University of Connecticut, Stamford is organized by the Freshman English Program and the Writing Center and also supported by the following departments at UCONN Stamford: Associate Vice Provost’s Office, Department of English, Jeremy Richard Library, Student Services and Student Activities Office.
We will hold the following events to raise awareness of issues related to academic integrity on campus; we look forward to having students participation in this week, as well as instructors’ participation and encouragement of their students to attend our events.
Visit the Academic Intergrity Week Website- Stamford Campus
Schedule of Events
Monday, September 8
2:30-3:00 pm: “Plagiarism & Academic Integrity,” a workshop for students
Location: Ground floor conference room of Jeremy Richard Library
Tuesday, September 9
12:30-1:30pm: Panel on Academic Integrity
Panelists (in alphabetical order): Kevin McEvoy, Mary Cygan, Sean Moore, Sharon White and Shelley Roseman
Location Multi-Purpose Room (1.08)
5:30-7:30pm Film Screening “Shattered Glass” (based on a true story of professional misconduct by journalist Steven Glass)
Screening location A-1
Wednesday, September 10
4:00-5:00pm “Plagiarism & Academic Integrity,” a workshop for students
Location: Ground floor conference room of Jeremy Richard Library
Thursday, September 11
12:00-1:00pm “Teaching Academic Integrity,” an interactive workshop for instructors
1:00-2:00pm “RefWorks,” an interactive workshop for instructors
Location: The Thompson Reuters eClassroom of Jeremy Richard Library
Book Display: Throughout the week, Jeremy Richard Library will hold a book display on the topic of academic integrity at the entrence of the library.