Cambridge Histories Online

We’ve just made a terrific set of print resources available online! 

Cambridge Histories Online (
includes: American and world history; economic history and the history
of science; together with historical treatments of literature;
linguistics; music & theatre studies; philosophy; religion; anthropology
and political thought.

Full-text of 60 works of narrative synthesis by major scholars published
in over 250 volumes by Cambridge since 1960. see a full title list

Sandy Gallup and the CMST have added each individual title to Homer; if
you search for keyword = Cambridge histories online, you’ll see all the
titles.  (Note that there are fewer than 250 Homer records since some
links are individual volumes of the same title).   This has also been
added to the history page in the ERM; please let me know if you’d like
to add it to any other subject pages in the ERM.

  Stephanie Willen Brown
  Electronic Resources Librarian / UConn