The Verdicts [70 Years After Nuremberg]

Nuremberg Palace

Before a packed courtroom and the with the world watching, the President of the Tribunal began the reading of the Judgment of the Court on the morning of Monday, 30 September 1946.

On 8 August 1945, the Government of the United Kingdom, of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the United States of America, the Provisional Government of the French Republic, and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics entered into an agreement establishing this Tribunal for the trial of War Criminals whose offenses have no particular geographical location. In accordance with Article 5, the following Governments of the United Nations have expressed their adherence to the Agreement:
Greece, Denmark, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Ethiopia, Australia, Honduras, Norway, Panama, Luxembourg, Haiti, New Zealand, India, Venezuela, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

By the Charter annexed to the Agreement, the constitution, jurisdiction and functions of the Tribunal were defined.

The Tribunal was invested with power to try and punish persons who had committed Crimes against Peace, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity as defined in the Charter.

The Charter also provided that at the trial of any individual member of any group or organization the Tribunal may declare (in connection with any act of which the individual may be convicted) that the group or organization of which the individual was a member was a criminal organization….

and so began the beginning of the end. The reading continued throughout the morning addressing each charge of the original indictment. At it’s conclusion, the Court adjourned until 9:30 am the following morning at which time the verdicts for the 21 individuals charged would be read.

Tuesday, 1 October 1946

The German Nazis were charged with any one or all of the following crimes:

Count One: Common Plan or Conspiracy    /    Count Two: Crimes against Peace

Count Three: War Crimes    /    Count Four: Crimes against Humanity

The verdicts determined by the International Military Tribunal, based on the evidence and testimony presented to the Court, were as follows:

Defendant                      Verdict                                 Sentence
Bormann     Guilty on Counts Three and Four           Hanging

Donitz          Guilty on Counts Two and Three           10 years in prison

Frank           Guilty on Counts Three and Four           Hanging

Frick            Guilty on Counts Three and Four            Hanging

Fritzsche      Not Guilty on Counts One, Three and Four

Funk             Guilty on Counts Two, Three and Four   Life in prison

Goring         Guilty on all Counts                                  Hanging

Hess            Guilty on Counts One and Two               Life in prison

Jodl              Guilty on all Counts                                 Hanging

Kaltenbrunner Guilty on Counts Three and Four         Hanging

Keitel            Guilty on all Counts                                 Hanging

Neurath         Guilty on all Counts                                15 years in prison

Papen            Not Guilty on Counts One and Two

Raeder          Guilty on Counts One, Two and Three    Life in prison

Ribbentrop     Guilty on all Counts                                Hanging

Rosenberg      Guilty on all Counts                               Hanging

Sauckel           Guilty on Counts Three and Four          Hanging

Schacht          Not Guilty on Counts One and Two

Schirach         Guilty on Count Four                              20 years in prison

Seyss-Inquart Guilty on Counts Two, Three, Four        Hanging

Speer             Guilty on Counts Three and Four           20 years prison

Streicher         Guilty on Count Four                              Hanging

The news report was delivered on the air in the United States on 8 October 1946.


With the Trial at Nuremberg concluded, Tom Dodd returned home to his wife and family in Connecticut to start the next stage of his career but his experiences in Nuremberg stayed with him and, like others associated with the Trial, had a life long impact on his life.

–Betsy Pittman

The majority of the letters from Tom Dodd to his wife Grace have been published and can be found in Letters from Nuremberg, My father’s narrative of a quest for justice. Senator Christopher J. Dodd with Lary Bloom. New York: Crown Publishing, 2007.

Images available in Thomas J. Dodd Papers.

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