D!BS room reservation service helps UConn students find space for group work

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The library’s new group study room reservation system, D!BS, has been in place for about a year and has been getting rave reviews from UConn students.

The online service allows students to log on and reserve one of 32 group study rooms at the library up to three days an advance, saving them the trouble of struggling to find a location for group work.

“It’s awesome because you know you’re guaranteed a quiet study place for a few hours,” said UConn junior Hayley Babineau. “I used it during finals which made things easier because the library would be really crowded and have no tables open so we would reserve rooms to make sure we had a place to study and wouldn’t have to waste time looking for a place to do work.”

“Being able to reserve rooms two days in advance is awesome.  The days I know I have a lot of work to crank out I usually D!BS a room two days early and get a great spot for me and my friends,” said senior Teresa Forenza.

Carl Strum, a UConn senior in the business school, uses the service frequently and has found that other students are adapting well to the new system.

“It works, and if you have to ask someone to leave a room [because you have a reservation] 99% of the time they understand. If not, I just show them my confirmation from D!BS. If I overstay my reservation and someone else asks me to leave, I do it too,” he said.

To reserve a room for a group of two or more students, just log onto the D!BS site using your NetID and password.  Select the number of people in your group, how many hours you want a room (1 to 3 hours) and when you want it (reservations taken up to 3 days in advance).  Hit ‘Search’ and a list of available rooms will appear- just pick one, enter some information, and you’ve got D!BS!

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