Finding & Using Affordable Learning Resources

As the cost of textbooks continue to rise, with estimates as high as 812% or more than three times the rate of inflation since 1978, more students are choosing not to purchase textbooks, jeopardizing their success in the classroom.

However, as more emphasis is being placed on developing and sharing high quality, low cost, and easily accessible teaching materials outside of the traditional textbook, the future landscape looks bright.

The UConn Libraries’ is hosting a workshop that will help you navigate through the choices out there and offer tools to help evaluate their value in your classroom.

Wednesday, May 13
Electronic Classroom 2
Homer Babbidge Library, Level 2

Joining us for the conversation will be two experts in the field – Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education for Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), an initiative of the Association of Research Libraries and Charlotte Roh, Scholarly Communications Resident Librarian from UMass Amherst.

Registration for the workshop can be done at



1 thought on “Finding & Using Affordable Learning Resources

  1. Pingback: Changing the Game in UConn’s Open Textbook Initiative | News

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