It sure is a tough Monday. Finals, stress, rain, icy sidewalks, and the greyest of all grey days. BUT – have no fear – the puppers are here! Today starts our finals week Paws to Relax program on the first floor of Homer Babbidge. Each day from 1-5 come say hi to a stress relief dog. A little drool and some dog hair on you goes a long way to making it all better.

Monday, December 9
1-2pm – Colleen and Charlie (Cocker Spaniel)
2-3pm – Terri and Brody (Shetland Sheepdog)
3-4pm – Mary Beth and Witness (Golden Doodle)
4-5pm – Jeanne and Bennie (Shih-Tzu)
Tuesday, December 10
1-2pm – Alexandra and Ambrosia (Greyhound)
2-3pm – Laurel and Wrigley (Newfoundland)
3-4pm – Judith and Bella (Pug)
4-5pm – Octayvia and Boo (Golden Retriever)
Wednesday, December 11
1-2pm – Cheryl and Cassie (Golden Retriever)
2-3pm – Diane and Meka (Keeshond)
3-4pm – Laurel and Wrigley (Newfoundland)
4-5pm – Ted and Luke (Golden Retriever)
Thursday, December 12
1-2pm – Terri and Brody (Shetland Sheepdog)
2-3pm – Sandy and Andy (Golden Retriever)
3-4pm – Rebecca and Hunter (Shetland Sheepdog)
4-5pm – Sue and Jessie (Golden Retriever)
Friday, December 13
1-2pm – Betsy and Finn (Golden Doodle)
2-3pm – Peter and Grant (Golden Retriever)
3-4pm – Karen and Shadow (Cocker Spaniel)
4-5pm – Laura and Summit (English Lab)
As always, times and puppers may be subject to change. Super huge thanks to Carolyn Mills for organizing and for all the dogs and humans joining us this week. You all are the best.