Student Survey of Transportation Access to UCONN Stamford Campus, Fall 2015

The following post and data visualization is by guest bloggers Daniel Chiang and James Froehlich, highlighting their project for Prof. Harmon’s Economics service learning class).
This project conducted a survey of the modes of transportation access used by commuters (students, staff and faculty) to the Uconn Stamford Campus in Fall 2015. The survey was conducted during the last 3 weeks of the Fall semester.  Of the 290 Survey Respondents, 213 are undergraduates, which represents 15% of the total Uconn Stamford undergraduate enrollment in Fall 2015.

Our preliminary analysis is focused on the undergraduate students.  We found that 50% of the undergraduate respondents drive to campus.  The drivers primarily use I-95 (46%), 15% use the Merrit, 43% commute via local roads. For 38% the average trip length is 25+ miles one-way.

Across all modes of transportation, for 44% the average length of time for a one-way trip to campus is 40 to 60 minutes, and for 16% the commute time is more than 1 hour.   52% of the undergraduate respondents average four trips to campus per week, and 22% average 5 trips.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Student-survey-of-transportation”]