Campus Town Hall Meeting & Picnic

Dear Faculty & Staff,
A Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th, at 3:00 pm in the General Re Auditorium. This will be followed by a picnic in the Whitey Heist Park, which is adjacent to the campus on Franklin Street.

Please rsvp to Maureen.simeoni@uconn or you may call 251-8510. We would appreciate your response no later than Monday, August 15th.

Art Gallery Reception

The Art Gallery is pleased to display the artistic talents of the Students, Faculty and Staff.

A Reception is planned for Thursday, August 18, 2005, from 3:30 – 5:30 pm. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP to, or 251-9545, by Thursday of this week.

eJournal Locator

The University of Connecticut Libraries purchases online access to over 30,000 journals through various databases and journal providers. Use the eJournal Locator to determine if a title is available online and to connect to the database or online journal directly.