Strategy for Success Workshops @ The Source

The Source (Source for Active Learning) at UConn Stamford will start off the semester with a series of special topic workshops designed to prepare students for the semester’s academic challenges.

Topics to be covered include: Notetaking and Study skills and in addition coverage on specialized topics related to math and science. (contact The Source about additional suggestions for future workshop topics)

Each topic will be offered three times a day! 12:35pm, 2:35pm and 5:15pm. These workshops are offered, from August 30th — September 9, 2005.
Contact THE SOURCE! 203.251-9503

SGA Block Party Today

The Student Government Association (SGA) at UCONN Stamford is capping off the end of “Welcome Week” with a huge Block party today at 11:00am.

The first week of school (August 29-Sept. 1)) served to introduce and welcome new and returning students by promoting UConn Stamford’s Campus Life. During this exciting week, there were many social activities such as parties, games, music and an activities fair.

Join us for the last event today, outside at the Whitney Heist Park (franklin street entrance) from 11-3pm.

NYU Exhibit Trip Sept. 13

On Tuesday, September 13, there will be a trip to the Fales Library for a viewing of the “Inverted Histories: 150 Years of Queer Culture” exhibition at New York University followed by a gallery lecutre by rare books librarian Marvin Taylor. Following the viewing, there will be a walking tour of gay/lesbian historical sites in Greenwich Village by NYU Professor, Joseph Patanova.

Any members of theUConn Community are welcomed to attend this trip. For more information or to make reservations, please contact Professor Fred Roden at 203.251.8559.

Read an Article about the exhibit at NYU Today on the web