Open SGA Meeting, October 19th

Come one, Come all! The Student Government will be having its monthly open meeting in the Schreiber Reading Room on October 19th @ 5:15. All are welcome to come to the meeting and see what we do to help your campus. Feel free to bring your ideas.
We are your best way to make changes around campus and to get involved!

The SGA Office is located on the first floor across from the bathrooms and down the hall from the Fitness Center. Our phone number is (203) 251-8545. Our doors are always open so feel free to stop by.

Our goal is to help you, represent you, be the liaison between you, the Administration, Faculty, and Staff and to provide you with fun and informative events.

2-day Video Game Tournament

On Monday October 24th and Tuesday October 25th from 12:40 to 1:10, the Student Government Office will be sponsoring a Video Game Tournament.

The games will feature Halo and X Box and Smash Brothers on Game Cube sign ups will be outside the SGA Room starting NOW!

There will be a 2 dollar donation imposed to collect money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and Rita.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Fitness Center and the Student Government will be cosponsoring Breast Cancer Awareness.

Monday, October 17th, Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th students will be out in the concourse and hallways selling pink breast cancer awareness paraphernalia. Wristbands will be $1 and pins will be .50 cents.

Show your support for finding a cure by purchasing a pin or bracelets, making a donation, and wearing pink. Let’s help find a cure for this devastating disease which affects so many.