Love Your Library” Fundraiser

On Friday, December 2nd and Saturday, December 3rd, Barnes & Noble will donate 15 to 25% of every sale at Connecticut and select out-of-state store locations to Connecticut’s libraries!

To qualify, purchases must be accompanied by a Love Your Library voucher (see The funds will be used to help underwrite the purchase of additional iCONN databases, thus benefiting patrons of all of Connecticut’s public, school, and academic libraries.

Love Your Library also provides additional opportunities for libraries and friends groups to develop relationships with local Barnes & Noble stores, to conduct in-store events, establish library “wish lists”, and more.

White House Conference on Helping America’s Youth

The UConn Stamford Campus will provide an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to participate in the White House Conference On Helping America’s Youth, which is being held at Howard University in
Washington, D.C., on Thursday, October 27.

The campus will be using a satellite downlink to broadcast the conference on the UConn Stamford Campus.

The broadcast will be offered in Room 312, and will be available during the following time frames:
9-11 a.m., and 12:30 to 5:00 p.m.

A tentative agenda appears below.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Blackburn Center Howard University Washington, DC

9:20 am – 9:25 am H. Patrick Swygert, President, Howard
University, Welcoming Remarks
9:25 am – 9:30 am Anthony Williams, Mayor, Washington D.C.,
Welcoming Remarks
9:30 am – 9:35 am National Anthem with Color Guard
9:45 am -10:00 am Keynote Address

10:00 am SESSION I Challenges Facing Our Youth

10:30 am SESSION II Principles of Successful Programs

11:20 am SESSION III Community Guide to Helping America’s Youth

12:00 pm LUNCH

1:10 pm Helping America’s Youth Video

1:20 pm SESSION IV Connecting with Family

2:00 pm SESSION V Connecting with School

3:00 pm SESSION VI Connecting with Community Nationally

3:45 pm SESSION VII Connecting with Community Locally

4:35 pm Concluding Remarks

6:30 pm White House Reception