Jewerly Sale & Free Makeovers at the Co-op!, 11/30

The UConn Co-op will be sponsoring a jewelry sale and free makeovers by Prestige Cosmetics in front of the store on Wednesday November 30 between 11a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

This is part of the end of semester Pep-Rally that is taking place in the main concourse. Join others from the UConn Stamford Community to hear short remarks and dancing and musical entertainment. Check out the great cosmetic line we carry in the store by Prestige and pick up modestly priced jewelry by Lulu’s. Enjoy the holiday season!

History Lecture, 11/29 : Why Does Darfur Matter

Why Does Darfur Matter?

Eric Reeves
professor, Smith College, Northampton

Abdelbagy Abushanab
president, Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Newark

Lecture and discussion open to the public

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7 PM. Multi-Purpose Room, first floor

University of Connecticut at Stamford
Washington Blvd and Broad Street
Stamford, CT 06901-2315

In September 2004, U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, informed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that “genocide has been committed” in the Darfur region of Southern Sudan. He documented a “consistent and widespread” pattern of killings, rapes and other atrocities. How did this conflict start? Why are the atrocities continuing? How are the people of Darfur responding? What can be done to end the atrocities?

Eric Reeves, professor of English, has spent the last six years researching Sudan. His website, with his articles and congressional testimony on Sudan, is widely cited by journalists, foreign affairs scholars and human rights activists.

Abdelbagy Abushanab, is president of the Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Newark, NJ Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Inc. (DRP) is a United States based NGO, composed of individuals from the Darfur region, which advocates and educates on the situation in Darfur. Mr. Abushanab regularly appears at universities and public programs to speak on Darfur. In September 2005, the DRP hosted a discussion among fact-finders who returned from Chad and Darfurian leaders from across the United States at Seton Hall University.

co-sponsored by:
Stamford/Greenwich/Darien Darfur Support Committee, University of Connecticut Program Fund, Amnesty International USA, Group 13, and Stamford/Greenwich Peace Action provides direct links to over 7000 scholarly periodicals which allow some or all of their online content to be viewed by ANYONE with Internet access for free (though some may require free registration). The issue(s) which are available for free are indicated for each title on the alphabetical periodical lists. The design of this site is optimized for users seeking specific articles for which they already have the citation.

A more detailed description of this site is available in the FAQ list.

Can’t Get to any Libary Databases? Try This…

Can’t access any databases from the library? Here’s what you can access from other computers on campus (not in the Library).

iConn Databases: Go to
Access to iConn is FREE to ALL Connecticut Residents. From home–Click on “Access from Home/Office.” Enter your hometown/ public library card barcode number.

BOOKS: Select browse Request (Statewide Library Catalog–includes call #’s)

ARTICLES: (journal, magazine, newspaper): Select “Link to Individual Databases.” From here you should have access to

    Gale Databases

: Expanded Academic ASAP and InfoTrac;

    EBSCO Databases

: CINAHL(nursing), PsychINFO, Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Agricola, MLA, ABI/Inform, ProQuest Newspapers.

iConn, the Connecticut Digital Library is brought to you by the Connecticut State Library, the Department of Higher Education and your local library.

New Books: November 2005

New Books this Month at the Jeremy Ricahrd Library

International organization and global governance : a reader / [edited by] Friedrich Kratochwil, Edward D. Mansfield. , 2nd ed. New York : Pearson/Longman, c2006. Stamford Library JZ1318 .I57 2006

Greening Connecticut cities and towns : managing public trees and community forests / edited by Robert M. Ricard and Glenn D. Dreyer. Storrs, Conn. : University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2005. Stamford Library Oversize SB436 .G74 2005

Collapsing bubble : growth and fossil energy / Lindsey Grant. Santa Ana, CA. : Seven Locks Press, c2005. Stamford Library TP318 .G73 2005

Religion in America / Mary E. Williams, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library BL2525 .R4645 2006

Two years before the mast and other voyages / Richard Henry Dana, Jr. New York : Library of America : Distributed to the trade in the United States by Penguin Putnam, c2005. Stamford Library G540 .D2 2005

Population : opposing viewpoints / Karen F. Balkin, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2005. Stamford Library HB871 .P6296 2005

International economics / Robert J. Carbaugh. , 10th ed. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western, c2005. Stamford Library HF1359 .C37 2005 Advertising / Laura K. Egendorf, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library HF5831 .A34 2006

Popular culture : opposing viewpoints / John Donald Woodward, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2005. Stamford Library HN90.M3 P66 2005

American immigration and ethnicity : a reader / edited by David Gerber and Alan M. Kraut. New York : Palgrave Macmillian, 2005. Stamford Library JV6465 .A64 2005

Globalization / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. Stamford Library JZ1318 .G57862 2006

Library Remodeling during Holiday Break


Our maintenance crew will be moving some library furniture around this week and in doing so, six Student SuperHomer Computer stations will not be in use for a few days.

We will still have 2 Library Catalogs and our Public Users computer station available for use for checking email and printing out documents.

The Academic Computer Lab (Room 3.05) is also open during this holiday break from 9-5 on Monday and Tuesday, November 21-22.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Network Problems Today


We have been experiencing Network problems all day today on all of the library computer stations. The problem has been reported and attempts are being made to locate and resolve the issue.

Please be aware that you will continue to experience temporary network problems ranging from slow responses to complete access denial.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
