New & Improved UConn Links

UConn Links is all new and works much better! As of January 16, 2006, we are using a completely different product to link between a citation and the full-text. This new service is still called UConn Links, but it’s now provided by SFX (Ex Libris).

Q. What options does UConn Links provide?

A. The UConn Links button will link to one or more of the following:

* full-text of the journal article the University licenses
* an automatic search of Homer (Library Catalog)
* an automatic Google search
* a DD/ILL (Document Delivery / Interlibrary Loan) request form
* a Citation Linker so you can enter details about an article (title, journal name, author, publication date) and find out if UConn has the article online.

Q. Why is the full text article not always available?

A. There are two possibilities:

1. there is no full-text version available (either for that journal or for specific [usually older] issues)
2. the University of Connecticut does not have a license to access full-text from that journal. In that case, you may request the article via DD/ILL.

Q. I clicked on “get full text” but I only get to the journal’s home page. Why?

A. The UConn Links linking service will get you as close to the full-text as it can, given the structure and quality of the data being passed by the database vendors. Sometimes you’ll go straight to the full-text; sometimes you’ll have to navigate the publisher’s site yourself after that to get to the full-text. Essentially, a full-text link means that full-text is available — but you may have to do some of the work of getting to it yourself.