Library wireless access ONLY available on the First Floor 4/13


UITS (University Information Technology Services) will be upgrading network equipment on campus on Thursday April 13th. The JRL library’s wireless access will be affected.

Please be aware that your laptops via wireless access will be down Thursday, April 13th from 9-12 on the SECOND FLOOR.

Your wireless access should work on the 1st floor in the library.

Thanks you,

Library Stafff

There will be network outages in the designated areas anywhere from 1-3 hours. If you are in any of these areas and you need to be connected to the internet during the down time, you can use the Academic Computing Area (aka Microlab, Room 305). This upgrade is needed to improve the performance of our campus’ network. I thank you in advance for your patience during this time.

1.) 3rd Floor Northwest (Rooms 320-365) 9am-12pm
2.) 2nd Floor Northwest (Rooms 205-212, 235-245) 9am-12pm
3.) 2nd Floor Southeast (Rooms 216-234, 260-265) 9am-12pm
4.) 2nd Floor Northeast (Rooms 266-267, 257-259) 1pm-4pm