October Grapevine Newsletter Available

The Grapevine is the UConn Stamford newsletter with announcements and important reminders for the UConn-Stamford community. Please be sure to read the latest issue of The Grapevine!

You can find The Grapevine at the information desk, student services, or you can bookmark the GRPAEVINE ONLINE at: http://stamfordstudentlife.uconn.edu/grapevine.pdf

In the October issue:

SGA Upcoming Events
Student Newspaper announcement
One Card Activation
Long River Review Reading Tour
New Club Announced: Spectrum
Husky Ambassadors Fall Activities
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Upcoming Career Center Events
5 ways to improve your resume
Women’s Studies Series on Reproductive Justice
Stamford Center for the Arts Upcoming Events
Finding a Job on Campus
Bachelor of General Studies Information Sessions
College Student Opinion Study

And the October Calendar of Events!