Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online

The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online_ is now available

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This site contains Darwins complete publications and many of his handwritten manuscripts. There are over 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images. There is also the largest Darwin bibliography and the largest manuscript catalogue ever published. More than 150 ancillary texts are included, ranging from reference works to reviews, obituaries, descriptions of the Beagle specimens and related works for understanding Darwin’s context. Free audio mp3 versions of his works are also available.

Read the press release

Discolored Water/Stamford Area

Please do not drink from the water fountains on campus.

Ed Anderson has been in contact with Bridgeport Hydraulics regarding the rust-colored water that we are currently noticing on campus. He was informed that this problem is being experienced in several areas in Stamford, and the source of the discoloration is being checked by the water company.

Until the situation is resolved, please do not drink the water from fountains.

No time estimate was given for the resolution of this problem.

As a reminder, please do not drink from the public water supply until this is rectified.

Source: Stamford Campus Announcements Listerv

Library Website User Questionnaire

Your input is sought:

We are currently evaluating the Libraries’ Web site. By answering the user questionniare, you will help us better understand who uses the Web site and how it is perceived. In early November, we will conduct a usability test of the Web site. If you are interested in participating, please complete the questionnaire and leave your name, email address, and phone number.

Web Site User Questionnaire

Find Reference Books Online at UConn

A web site has been developed by librarians at the Homer Babbidge Library in Storrs to make it easy to find electronic reference books that have been purchased by UConn. Reference Books Online allows you to browse titles or subject to find a wealth of information traditionally found on library reference shelves. Many of these electronic books are only available to UConn students, faculty, & staff. If you have a valid NetID but are off-campus, please log into the Libraries’ VPN before accessing this page.

Reference books online. Check it out!

New reference titles and newspaper

The UConn Libraries has purchased more reference books online which may be found through the online catalog, HOMER. These are:

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security
Encyclopedia of Population
Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the ages
UXL Encyclopedia of Landforms and other Geological Features

Also, we now have access to the Boston Globe from 1980 to the present. You may find it in the database Newspapers through ProQuest.