Free version of AGELINE Database

AgeLine Database can now be found at

Produced by AARP,(formerly offered via EBSCOhost) AgeLine abstracts the literature of social gerontology as well as aging-related research from psychology, sociology, social work, economics, public policy, and the health sciences. It covers aging-related issues for professionals in aging services, health, business, law, and mental health. AgeLine also includes selected consumer content.

Pep Rally on Wednesday 11/29 in front of Co-op Bookstore!

Pep Rally on Wednesday 11/29 in front of Co-op Bookstore!
Rich Concourse 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. – Performances by UConn Stamford students

Holiday Vendors:

UConn Co-op Technology Fair – Technology experts from Storrs with the latest products available through the Co-op

2 Jewelry Vendors

Enchanted Bear – Build your own Bear vendor, Rosie Blake’s Chocolates, Holiday makeovers and facials, Liberty Travel with package deals for Spring Break, Handouts and giveaways, refreshments and more!

Stop by, do some shopping with the holidays approaching fast and have some fun before finals!

Sponsored by the UConn Co-op, C.A.P and SGA

December 2006 Grapevine

The December issue of the Grapevine is now available at:

In this issue:
Intersession Library Hours
Scholarship Information
Information on Spring Courses
The Source for Active Learning exam preparation
UConn Library digital commons information
A special thank you from Enrollment Services
Announcements from the Fitness center
Vagina Monologues announcement

Upcoming events:
11/28: Global Leadership Seminar
11/29: Campus Pep rally,
11/29: Creative Writing Sustenance Benefit Reading
12/1: Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus
12/7: Amnesty International Holiday Card Action
12/8: Last day of Fall classes

The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter. It is the source for important campus announcements and upcoming events.

Algae Database Finished

The Benthic Marine Algal Herbarium of Long Island Sound Digital Collection, created, digitized, and cataloged by JRL librarians Shelley Cudiner and Nancy Gillies, has finally been completed. Professor Charles Yarish donated his collection and taxonomic expertise. This database was created to produce an identification database of collected and pressed specimens of algae from the Long Island Sound for teaching purposes while at the same time creating an image archive for UConn’s algal herbarium. Specimans from the University of New Hampshire and the Millstone Environmental Lab have also been included. There are 299 images and accompanying photographs of all 236 Long Island Sound species. Check it out.

Printing Changes at The Ferguson Library

The Stamford Public Library —The Ferguson Library which is one block away from the UConn Stamford Campus (next to Starbucks) has instituted a new pay-for-print system.

Focus on Ferguson
“You can now print in color from public use computers on the second and third floors of the Main Library. In order to reduce waste and keep costs down, the Library has instituted a pay for print system. Black and white copies are 10 cents each; color copies are 50 cents each. Library users will received $1.00 in free printing a day. You can deposit up to $5.00 in your own “print account,” or pay by vending machine each time you print. Staff will be on hand to help with any questions. ”

Source: November 2006 Focus on Ferguson, the newsletter of Stamford’s Public Library.