UITS: Network Response Delays Today

This notice is to inform you that we are experiencing intermittent problems on our network where you may notice transmissions via the network (including e-mail) are slow, there may be problems accessing some internet sites, and there may be a problem accessing VPN.

Our Network Engineering team is currently working on this issue and hope to have it resolved soon.

You can receive updates on this or any other issues two ways:

On-line: http://itstatus.uconn.edu/

Call: 860-486-4357 and press “1” (one) for a system status.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

Article on Gayle Bessenoff’s Study

UConn Advance
Ultra-thin models may hurt women’s self-esteem, study finds
by Beth Krane – December 11, 2006

Magazine ads featuring ultra-thin models may make young women feel worse about themselves, especially if they already suffer from poor body image, according to a new study conducted by Gayle Bessenoff, an assistant professor of psychology based at the Stamford campus.

Bessenoff’s findings were published in the most recent issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly.

(Note: Psychology of Women Quarterly, Vol. 30, issue 4, pg 239 “Can the Media Affect us? Social Comparision, Self-Discrepancy, and the Thin Ideal.”)

Full UConn Advance story

Campus Scholarship Available

The Stamford Campus Scholarship is now on the Director for Student Services’ website. Just click on the link below, fill out and bring to Student Services (Room 2.01).


The scholarship is for All Stamford Campus Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Students who plan to continue their undergraduate/graduate studies Fall, 2007 at UCONN/Stamford or Storrs.

Applicants should have completed One (1) full semester of coursework at the University of Connecticut to be eligible for a scholarship.

Love Your Library Fundraiser this Weekend! Dec 2 & 3

Today is the day. Love Your Library at Barnes & Noble (with your voucher) & up to 20% of your purchases go to Connecticut’s libraries! December 1!

Who: Connecticut Libraries & their supporters
What: Love Your Library Book Fair
Where: Connecticut Barnes & Noble Stores
When: Friday, December 1st
Saturday, December 2nd
Sunday, December 3rd

What can you do to help statewide library programs, like InfoAnytime? Shop at a participating Barnes & Noble store with your Love Your Library voucher (vouchers available at your local library or online) on Love Your Library days. Print out a voucher and bring with you to your Local Barnes & Noble and Support your local library!!