Learning Commons Exploration

The UConn Stamford Campus is committed to offering a learning environment for students that will promote persistence and retention, and enable students to progress towards completing their degrees.

Towards meeting this objective, we are exploring the development of a Learning Commons, which is an idea that has now been adopted at most of the major universities, and has been started at the Storrs Campus. A Learning Commons is an area that is typically located in the library at a campus, and serves as a learning resource center in writing and Q support services, preparation of powerpoint presentations, computer and IT support, and other related services.

As part of the exploration process, the campus director, Michael Ego, has invited Kim Chambers and Steven Park, both of whom are affiliated with the Instructional Resource Center of the Institute of Teaching and Learning, and Scott Kennedy, who is a member of the Babbidge Library staff, to the Stamford Campus. They will be on campus on Friday, March 2.

Dr. Ego encourages faculty, staff and students who are interested in learning about the Learning Commons concept and who wish to meet Kim, Steven and Scott, to attend a meeting from 1:15 to 2:30 pm in A-1, the small auditorium. Sandwiches and drinks will be served prior to the meeting from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Since we will be ordering lunch, we will need a headcount by March 1.
Please RSVP your interest in attending the meeting and having lunch, to Maureen Simeoni, at 251-8510, or maureen.simeoni@uconn.edu, by no later than March 1.