Stamford Campus and Related Scholarships Available


All Stamford Campus Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Students who plan to continue their undergraduate/graduate studies Fall 2007 at UCONN/Stamford or Storrs. Applicants should have completed One (1) full semester of coursework at the University of Connecticut to be eligible for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript must be attached to the completed application.

Pick up an application outside of Room 2.01.

Urgent! New UConn ID Card/Photo Times & Locations

In order for the successful re-carding of all University employees, the One Card Office must have everyone’s picture in their system by March 9, 2007. If you received your ID before September 2003 we will need to retake your picture.

To have your picture taken, please go to one of the locations below and bring with you another form of picture ID (driver’s license, passport, etc).

A regional campus ID center. For times & locations please see:

Stamford Campus ID Hours:
Monday, 10am-11:30am, 2-3:30pm
Tuesday, 10-12:30pm, 4-6pm
Wednesday, 10-11:30am, 2-3:30pm, 5-6pm
Thursday, 10am-12:30pm, 4-6pm
Friday, 11am-2pm

For the latest updates on the re-carding process, check the One Card Office website at

Microsoft Office Product Alternatives

The JRL library’s SuperHOMER workstations are NOT equipped with the Microsoft Office products (word, excel, powerpoint, access). You can however save or email a word document so you can download and view the document for quick edits. Please remember to save (using a USB portable drive) or email (to another email account like Huskymail) a back up copy to your work.

The campus microlab has the Microsoft Office products. Howerver, there are some free alternatives out there. Google offer’s “Docs and Spreadsheets” (formerly called Writely).

For non-Office users who need a rough equivalent to Office should examine the Zoho Virtual Office ( It doesn’t have the polish or the features of Microsoft’s offerings, but it does have similar core functionality and it’s free.

As with Google-created documents, the documents created by Zoho’s applications are stored on the web, so you can get to them from any Internet-connected computer.

New Books: February 2007

New Books this Month at Jeremy Richard Library

The Black middle class : social mobility–and vulnerability /Benjamin P. Bowser. Boulder :
Lynne Rienner, 2007. Stamford Library E 185.86.B643 2007

Foundations of psychological testing : a practical approach / Sandra A. McIntire, Leslie A. Miller.
Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, c2007. Stamford Library BF 176.M38 2007

Classic readings in sociology / [edited by] Eve L. Howard. Belmont, CA : Thomson Higher Education, c2007. Stamford Library HM 585 .C58 2007

Cultures of masculinity / Tim Edwards. London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.
Stamford Library HQ1090 .E329 2006

Judging juveniles : prosecuting adolescents in adult and juvenile courts / Aaron Kupchik. New York : New York University Press, c2006. Stamford Library HV 9104 .K87 2006

Learning to learn : a guide to becoming information literate in the 21st century / Ann Marlow Riedling. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, c2006. Stamford Library ZA3075 .R54 2006

Loss of empire : legal lynching, vigilantism, and African American intellectualism in the 21st-century / L.V. Gaither. Trenton NJ : Africa World Press, c2006.
Stamford Library HV 6457 .G35 2006

Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide/ Khaled Hroub. , Ann Arbor, MI : Pluto Press, 2006.
Stamford Library JQ 1830.A98 H3752 2006

The essentials of human rights / Rhona K.M. Smith, Christien van den Anker.
London : Hodder Arnold ; New York : distributed in the United States by Oxford University Press, 2005. Stamford Library JC 571 .S653 2005

Live sex acts : women performing erotic labor / Wendy Chapkis. New York : Routledge, 1997. Stamford Library HQ 115 .C43 1997