The Source Writing Workshops in the Library

THE SOURCE now offers biweekly WRITING WORKSHOPS on common writing issues in the Library’s Thomson eClassroom.

10/3: Brainstorming & Thesis Statements
10/17: Organization and the Craft of Revision
10/31: Grammar and Sentence Mechanics
11/14: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA
11/28: Using and Quoting Sources: APA

WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD TWICE PER DAY: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm AND 5:00 to 6:00 pm

***Sign Up Sheets will be at the library’s Circulation Desk but drop-in are welcome***

For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins melissa.mullins”at”

Open House ~10/27 Saturday

The UConn Stamford will host an Open House for prospective students on Saturday October 27th from 10:30 am to noon. Students, faculty and staff interested in volunteering to participate in this recruitment event would be most welcome.
Please call Kerrie Mills at 203 251 8541 or email e at Kerrie.mills ‘at’