Lecture: Human Rights, Gender and International Relations

Come and hear a talk by Rebekka Friedman of Brandeis University on Human Rights, Gender and International Relations. 

When: 1:00 pm, Saturday, December 1, 2007

Where: Room, 1.29, UConn Stamford Campus

Questions? sponsored by Prof. Eugene Kogan at eugene.kogan “at” uconn.edu

Her lecture will address two major issues. First, she will present gendered approaches to International Relations and why the feminist critique came relatively late to the discipline. Second, she will discuss international human rights law’s protection of women from violations during wartime and peacetime. Specifically, she will look at how international law’s treatment of rape during war evolved in response to the wars in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and how these rulings were incorporated into the ICC. Ms. Friedman will conclude with an analysis of how international law has progressed in protecting women’s human rights during wartime and peacetime and what obstacles remain.