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Library Director and Undergraduate Education Librarian at the UConn Stamford Campus - Jeremy Richard Library.

Art Shapes! at UConn Stamford

Stamford Downtown’s ART SHAPES! Outdoor Sculpture Exhibits.
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Each year Stamford Downtown hosts a distinguished outdoor sculpture exhibit designed to attract both local and regional audiences. Art in Public Places Outdoor Sculpture exhibit features sculptures lining the sidewalks and parks of the Downtown as well as the Stamford Town Center.

The 2017 exhibit will consist of 39 originally designed and painted fiberglass geometric shapes that will be on display for free public viewing and enjoyment all summer.

Art Shapes! High Roller Sculpture

High Roller Sculpture by James Scinto. On Washington Blvd side of the campus.

Art Shapes! Live.ly Sculpture

Live.ly Sculpture by Flavia Moraes Lodato. On Franklin Street side of the campus.

UConn Stamford Library closed Thurs. 3/10/17 & 3/11/17

Due to forecasts of a winter storm, classes at all UConn campuses are canceled on Friday, March 10, 2017. Non-essential employees should not report to work. All other employees report as scheduled. Visit alert.uconn.edu for updates.

NOTE: The UConn Stamford Library will be closed on Friday, March 10 and closed on Saturday March 11th.  Spring Break Week Library Hours at Stamford are Mon-Friday
8:30 – 4PM and Closed Saturday March 18th. http://lib.uconn.edu 

5 Tips for better searching on ScienceDirect

Discover more: 5 tips for better searching on ScienceDirect |
Elsevier ScienceDirect Blog

Here are our top tips for a better search query on ScienceDirect:

  • Search terms are not case-sensitive. Using all lowercase, all uppercase or a mix of capital and lowercase letters will not affect your query.
  • Entering a singular noun will also search for plural noun forms and possessives.
    For example: 

    • Method also finds methods and method’s
    • Criterion also finds criteria
  • Entering search terms using either US or UK spellings will automatically search for both spelling variations.
    For example:

    • Behavior also finds behaviour
  • Multiple words set off by spaces will search for documents or images that include both words.
  • You can use either quotation marks or curly brackets to search for a word or phrase, but the results will differ in these ways:
    • Searches in quotation marks, such as “colour code,” will be fuzzy searches. Our search engine will search for singular and plural nouns, as well as US and UK spellings, and will allow wildcards and ignore symbols and punctuation.
    • Searches in curly brackets, such as {colour code}, will be exact searches. Our search engine will look only for that exact phrase, including symbols and punctuation.ScienceDirect available at the UConn Library

Open Access eBooks on JSTOR

JSTOR announces a new program to make Open Access monographs available on the JSTOR platform.

An initial set of titles is available from four outstanding publishers: University of California Press, University of Michigan Press, UCL Press, and Cornell University Press. Several hundred more Open Access titles to be added over the next year. Please see below for a title list and links to the ebooks. The titles are also cross-searchable with other content on JSTOR.org.

Initial set of 63 titles