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About PB

Library Director and Undergraduate Education Librarian at the UConn Stamford Campus - Jeremy Richard Library.

UConn vPC is Here! Access Library Computers anywhere with your NetID

The School of Business, School of Engineering, and the University Libraries have collaborated to build an infrastructure that will deliver virtual desktops to UConn students beginning in the Fall 2011 semester. 

Have you ever needed to use SPSS or MATLAB while off -campus or when the campus is unavailable? Now you can access these resources and more from anywhere that you have Internet access by logging into UConn vPC.

  • Login with Your NetID and Password
  • Use web browsers Google Chrome or Safari
  • Save information to G:drive to then send to your gmail, dropbox or another service.
  • Access SPSS, Minitab, Microsoft Office and More


Libraries’ New Course Reserve System Debuts

The Libraries’ new Electronic Course Reserve system enables faculty to place material online for students more easily and more quickly than ever before. Once a HuskyCT course has been requested in PeopleSoft, faculty simply click on the new “Library Resources” link and can:

Need to Sign on to the Campus Wi-Fi?

The wireless network is available in all public areas of the UConn Stamford campus.

•UConn students, faculty, and staff may use their NetIDs to connect to the wireless network and connect to UCONN-SECURE.
•UConn guests must use the Guest Registration Kiosk to connect wireless devices to UConn’s wireless network.
(the wireless printing service not available for Guests)
•Any computer or handheld device connecting to the network will need an 802.11 b/g wireless network adapter configured to locate and connect to UCONN-PUBLIC.
•For more information about general settings, equipment, security, and connecting, see http://wireless.uconn.edu/.


Usage Guidelines
•Use the wireless service responsibly and ethically. Find university and state policies at http://itpolicy.uconn.edu.
For assistance connecting to the network, computer configuration questions, or other questions and problems, see http://wireless.uconn.edu/, or contact the HuskyTech (for uconn students)  desk at the Babbidge Library.

For other IT issues or questions, please visit: http://uits.uconn.edu

UConn Stamford Classes Cancelled 8/29

Due to the possibility of hazardous travel conditions around the state following Hurricane Irene, classes are canceled on all campuses, including the Stamford Campus, for Monday, Aug. 29th. For UConn employees: at this point, all staff are required to report to work on Monday as scheduled. Any new or updated information related to the Stamford Campus’ status on Monday will be communicated via e-mail, voicemail and the UConn Stamford homepage. For more information on other modes of communication for campus closures, please click on the MORE INFO link below.