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About PB

Library Director and Undergraduate Education Librarian at the UConn Stamford Campus - Jeremy Richard Library.

Black History Month – Free resources

These resources will be freely available in the month of February:

African American Archives – http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=uid&user=csl&password=password&profile=footnoteep

The African American Archives provides over a million pages of original historical documents pertaining to the African American experience over several centuries, the earliest coming from the collection of Essential Records Concerning Slavery and Emancipation from the Danish West Indies (1672-1917). There are several other slavery-related collections, including letters, account books, annual reports, news clippings, and related manuscripts from the American Colonization Society. The African American Archives also includes Records of the Southern Claims Commission, government records, original muster and hospital rolls, descriptive books, lists of deserters, returns, notational cards, enlistment papers, casualty sheets, death reports, prisoner of war papers, and correspondence.

The African American Archives also includes Records of the Southern Claims Commission, government records, original muster and hospital rolls, descriptive books, lists of deserters, returns, notational cards, enlistment papers, casualty sheets, death reports, prisoner of war papers, and correspondence.

Gale Cengage http://www.gale.cengage.com/free_resources/bhm/

Includes biographical and historical resources.

Black Historical Newspapers – https://www.proquest.com/trials/trialSummary.action?view=subject&trialBean.token=T8F6IVTIS57S18Z0U10S

ProQuest Historical Newspapers-Black Newspapers offers primary source material essential to the study of American history and African-American culture, history, politics, and the arts. Examine major movements from the Harlem Renaissance to Civil Rights, and explore everyday life as written in the Chicago Defender, The Baltimore Afro-American, New York Amsterdam News, Pittsburgh Courier, Los Angeles Sentinel, Atlanta Daily World, The Norfolk Journal and Guide, The Philadelphia Tribune, and Cleveland Call and Post.

Source: IConn.org

UConn Stamford Closed Today, 2/2/11

Due to inclement weather, all morning, afternoon and evening classes are cancelled. Classes will resume tomorrow morning, Thursday, February 3, 2011 as scheduled.

All “Emergency Support Services” are required to report as scheduled. “Non-Emergency Support Services” are not required to report to work today, Wednesday, February 2, 2011.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement.

Please drive safely. Thank you.

UConn Stamford Closing at 12:30PM, Today, Feb. 1st

Due to the inclement weather on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 the Stamford Campus will be closed at 12:30PM. All classes that begin after 12:30PM, including evening classes are cancelled.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement. Staff and Students who must drive should consider their safety first in deciding whether or not to travel to campus as local conditions may vary greatly. http://stamford.uconn.edu

UConn Stamford Delayed opening at Noon, 1/27/11

Due to the inclement weather, all classes that start before 12:00 pm are cancelled. All classes will resume at 12:00 pm.

All “Emergency Support Services” are required to report as scheduled.
All “Non-Emergency Support Services” are required to report to work by 12:00 pm.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement. Staff and Students should always consider their safety first in deciding whether or not to travel to campus as local conditions may vary greatly.

Please drive safely. Thank you.

Dr. Sharon J. White
Interim Campus Director

UConn Stamford Campus closing at Noon Today, 1/26/11

Staff, Faculty and Students:

UCONN Stamford will close at 12:00 PM today. All classes (including evening classes) are cancelled

All “Emergency Support Services” are required to report as scheduled. 

The last shuttle bus will leave for the train station at 1:00 PM.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement.  Staff and students who are off campus should always consider their safety first in deciding whether or not to travel to campus since local conditions may vary greatly. 

Please drive safely.  Thank you.

Sharon J.White, Ed.D.
Interim Campus Director
University of Connecticut at Stamford
One University Place
Stamford, Connecticut  06901-2315

Delayed opening at 11AM today, 1/21/11

Due to the inclement weather all classes at UCONN STAMFORD that begin before 11:00 AM are cancelled. All classes will resume at 11:00 AM.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement. Staff and Students who must drive should consider their safety first in deciding whether or not to travel to campus as local conditions may vary greatly.

Please drive safely.

Delayed opening for 10AM today 1/18/11

UCONN Stamford will open at 10:00 AM today. All classes that start before 10:00 am are cancelled.

All “Emergency Support Services” are required to report as scheduled.
All “Non-Emergency Support Services” are required to report to work by 10:00 AM.

Please continue to check the website, voicemail or the media for any changes to this announcement. Staff and Students who are off campus still need to consider their safety first in deciding whether or not to travel to campus since local conditions may vary greatly.
