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About PB

Library Director and Undergraduate Education Librarian at the UConn Stamford Campus - Jeremy Richard Library.

Human Rights Film

Dear All;

Human Rights Film Series is continuing this semester with three films (two documentaries and a feature film): Tying the Knot (a look at the debate over same sex marriage in the USA) When the Levees Broke (an examination of the U.S. government’s role and its response to Hurricane Katrina by the acclaimed director Spike Lee) Daughters of the Sun (a feature film on gender and workplace issues in an international context)

Here is the link to the series flyer, which provides information on dates, times, and locations: http://stamford.uconn.edu/postings/hrfseriesgeneraflyerfront_spring08.pdf

Get Your Student IDs for Spring ’08 Semester (Registrar)

The Registrar’s office will have hours for Student’s to get their Husky One Cards starting Tuesday, January 29, 2008. Hours: 
Tuesday thru Thursday  –9:00 a.m. to 12 (Noon) AND   1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Get  your card soon if you haven’t done so. Please note that access to library resources ( reserves, printing, photocopying and checking out books) require a UConn Student ID card.

New Guest Network Registration System at Libraries

The Regional Campus Libraries (Avery Point, Greater Hartford, Stamford, Torrington and Waterbury)  now have GuestReg Kiosks dedicated to walk-in GuestID Network registration only. Individuals not affiliated with UConn seeking computer or wireless access to the University Network with a personal computer or wireless device are considered guests and need to register at these Kiosks and present photo identification to library staff. The University has ID Centers at several locations with these GuestReg Kiosks.

Read more about it from UITS News

Cash Printing Unavailable in the library

Please note that the Jeremy Richard Library is unable to offer cash printing at this time. We are attempting to resolve this issue, however for now, only users with a UConn ID (Husky One Card) will be able to print from our computers. If you haven’t already done visit the Co-op to add money to your One Card.

The public photocopier will continue to accept both cash and the Husky One Card.


We apologize for any inconvenience.

NetID and other network connectivity issues today

UITS is experiencing network connectivity issues that is resulting in services (like Peoplesoft) not being available to students and faculty. See their message below:

Message from UITS

UPDATE (1/8/2008 – 7:28am): As of 7:00AM, we are experiencing network connectivity issues that have resulted in some services not being available (i.e., Exchange. NetID Admin, Citrix, Brio …). Technicians are currently working on the problem. There is no estimated timetable for this issue to be resolved.

UITS Systems’ Status

UConn Co-op Sale ~ Dec. 17th

The UConn Co-op will be having Game Day Special Sale today, Monday December 17 all day at every Co-op during their store hours. 15% off all

UConn imprinted clothing and gifts. Stop by and finish off your holiday shopping with UConn gear.
Please note that some regional Co-op locations have shorter hours during the semester break, call to make sure of hours.

Next Game Day Special is on Monday December 31. UConn Coop Stamford  251-8544

Happy Holidays!-
Your loyal Co-op Staff.

Friday Shuttle Bus Service -12/14

The UConn Stamford Shuttle Bus Service will be operating on Friday, December 14, 2007, to accommodate faculty, staff and students who will be involved with final exam make-ups. The shuttle bus will begin service at 7:00 a.m., and will conclude its run to the Stamford Train Station at 9:00 p.m.