International War Crimes Lawyers To Speak on Darfur Crisis at UConn Stamford Campus ~Oct. 24

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 7 PM Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown will speak at the University of Connecticut Stamford Campus on the courage and initiative of Darfur survivors daring to testify before the world about Crimes against Humanity.  Their talk, “Women Acting for Peace and Justice in Darfur,”  will be followed by conversation with Sudanese refugees from the Darfur Rehabilitation Project in Newark, NJ. 

   Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown have filed twenty-six witness applications from refugees with first-hand knowledge of the brutal ethnic cleansing campaign and systematic rape  on-going in Sudan. They continue to interview potential witnesses. Only twenty-six US lawyers are certified to represent witnesses at the ICC.

    Akin and Brown have criticized international court rules that discourage testimony from improverished witnesses and have a called for stronger measures to shield the identities of rape victims.    

    Akin and Brown served as counsel in the international war crimes trials at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in 2004 and also consulted with the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. They teach international law at Seton Hall University and practice litigation in the US. Wanda Akin appears frequently on Court TV, MSNBC and at conferences on international law. Raymond Brown is host of the Emmy-Award winning New Jersey (TV) Network program, “Due Process” exploring topics such as the Death Penalty, Domestic Violence, adoption, and race and class in the justice system. He also anchored Court TV coverage of the war crimes trial in the Former Yugoslavia.

    Both Akin and Brown regularly speak at public programs around the nation on human rights law, African American policy goals, leadership, and youth mobilization with other public intellectuals such as Cornel West, Tavis Smiley and Darlene Clark Hines. 

    The DRP, a non-profit group formed by Darfur exiles and their supporters raises awareness about Darfur with presentations to community groups throughout the tri-state area and state and federal officials. It sponsored a fact-finding trip to refugee camps in Chad in summer 2005, and hosted a national meeting of Darfur refugees in the US in Newark in fall 2005.

    This event is one of a series in Days for Darfur, October 12-24 organized by the Darfur Support Coalition of Fairfield County and co-sponsored by a dozen local organization to increase awareness about the atrocities in Darfur and mobilize Fairfield County residents to take action. For more information contact,, call 203.329.1919, or go to:

UConn Stamford staff and students — contact –


Access: Victims Rights Working Group Bulletin, Autumn 2007 –interview with Wanda Akin & Raymond Brown  (page 7 and front page)

Darfur Rehabilitation Project call for testimony:

International Criminal Court Counsel list

Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown homepage:


Employers on Campus Recruitment: P.F. Chang’s

The Career Center Presents: Employers on Campus Recruitment Program

P.F. Chang’s (new restaurant coming to the Stamford Mall) on campus  recruitment Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:00am -4:30pm. Instant Interviews!

Come visit their recruitment table next to the UConn Co-Op/Bookstore.

The Source Writing Workshops in the Library

THE SOURCE now offers biweekly WRITING WORKSHOPS on common writing issues in the Library’s Thomson eClassroom.

10/3: Brainstorming & Thesis Statements
10/17: Organization and the Craft of Revision
10/31: Grammar and Sentence Mechanics
11/14: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA
11/28: Using and Quoting Sources: APA

WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD TWICE PER DAY: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm AND 5:00 to 6:00 pm

***Sign Up Sheets will be at the library’s Circulation Desk but drop-in are welcome***

For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins melissa.mullins”at”

Open House ~10/27 Saturday

The UConn Stamford will host an Open House for prospective students on Saturday October 27th from 10:30 am to noon. Students, faculty and staff interested in volunteering to participate in this recruitment event would be most welcome.
Please call Kerrie Mills at 203 251 8541 or email e at Kerrie.mills ‘at’

UBS Open House


UBS Open House

Thursday, October 11, 2007 4-6 P.M.

A2, GE Global Learning Classroom

2nd Floor

Refreshments and Informal Reception to follow in the Career Center (Rm 2.19)

Join us to learn about opportunities at UBS!

Business Attire Only

Bring Critiqued Resumes*

*The resume is a critical component of today’s competitive hiring process. Don’t be at a disadvantage because you haven’t had your resume professionally critiqued by the Career Center. Call today to schedule a session!

Halina Hollyway

Program Specialist II

Career Center

Room 2.19


Fall Career Fair – Stamford

You Are Cordially Invited To The Fall Career Fair At UCONN-Stamford.

Thursday, November 1, 2007 4-6 P.M.

UCONN-Stamford, Rich Concourse

More than 50 employers will be attending!

Business Attire

Bring Resumes

Bring A Friend

For more information please contact:






STAMFORD, CT 06901-2315

Sophomore Career Symposium – Career Center

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

12:30-1:30 in A2 (GE Global Learning Classroom across from the Career Center on the 2nr Floor)

  •  Are you seeking career direction?
  • Have you ever wondered why someone chose a certain career?
  • Are you curious about the career path he or she traveled?

Join Us!

  • Guest panelists will share their career stories with you.

RSVP to: Halina.



Interested in Working in Human Services?
Working in criminal justice or social work?
Working with children, battered women or parolees?
Working on a research study?

Join a group of experts to learn why
your resume should include an internship experience

Internship Information Session

Monday, April 16, 2007
4:30 to 5:30 PM
Career Center – Room 219

Why An Internship Is For You
Customize your internship to fit your needs You choose the field
Flexible hours: 10 to 20 hours/week Earn 3-6 credits (up to 9 credits
for BGS students) Gain valuable experience in your field Make contacts
for future jobs


Sponsored by UCONN’s Career Center, Sociology Department and The Center
for Women’s Studies

Bonnie M. Britz
Internship Advisor/Career Associate
UConn-Stamford Campus
Office hours: M & W 10:00-3:30