Learning Commons Exploration

The UConn Stamford Campus is committed to offering a learning environment for students that will promote persistence and retention, and enable students to progress towards completing their degrees.

Towards meeting this objective, we are exploring the development of a Learning Commons, which is an idea that has now been adopted at most of the major universities, and has been started at the Storrs Campus. A Learning Commons is an area that is typically located in the library at a campus, and serves as a learning resource center in writing and Q support services, preparation of powerpoint presentations, computer and IT support, and other related services.

As part of the exploration process, the campus director, Michael Ego, has invited Kim Chambers and Steven Park, both of whom are affiliated with the Instructional Resource Center of the Institute of Teaching and Learning, and Scott Kennedy, who is a member of the Babbidge Library staff, to the Stamford Campus. They will be on campus on Friday, March 2.

Dr. Ego encourages faculty, staff and students who are interested in learning about the Learning Commons concept and who wish to meet Kim, Steven and Scott, to attend a meeting from 1:15 to 2:30 pm in A-1, the small auditorium. Sandwiches and drinks will be served prior to the meeting from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Since we will be ordering lunch, we will need a headcount by March 1.
Please RSVP your interest in attending the meeting and having lunch, to Maureen Simeoni, at 251-8510, or maureen.simeoni@uconn.edu, by no later than March 1.

“Lebanon: A Geopolitical Analysis”

Presentation by: Dr. Jeff Coulter
Professor of Sociology
Boston University
When: Monday, February 19, 2007; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Multi Purpose Room, room 108
ground floor of Campus building

Why is it that we constantly hear about the sovereign state of Lebanon in the news about the Middle East and still know very little about it? Lebanon emerged out of the Ottoman domain only to expirience demographic
upheavals, sectarian politics, two civil wars, invasions and assassinations. Understanding the tragic history of
Lebanon is necessary to grasp the current situation in the Middle East.

Join us for a forum on the geopolitical landscape of Lebanon.
This Event is sponsored by the Programming Committee of the Stamford Regional Campus.

Spring 2007 Lunch & Learn

The Center for Judaic and Middle Eastern Studies kicks off their Spring
2007 Lunch & Learn Series next Thursday, February 22nd in the MPR room from12:00-1:00pm and would like to invite all students and faculty as our
guests. Anyone who is interested in attending these events please register by contacting the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at 203-251-9525 or by e-mail at stamfordcjmes@uconn.edu

Stamford Campus and Related Scholarships Available


All Stamford Campus Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Students who plan to continue their undergraduate/graduate studies Fall 2007 at UCONN/Stamford or Storrs. Applicants should have completed One (1) full semester of coursework at the University of Connecticut to be eligible for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript must be attached to the completed application.

Pick up an application outside of Room 2.01.

Urgent! New UConn ID Card/Photo Times & Locations

In order for the successful re-carding of all University employees, the One Card Office must have everyone’s picture in their system by March 9, 2007. If you received your ID before September 2003 we will need to retake your picture.

To have your picture taken, please go to one of the locations below and bring with you another form of picture ID (driver’s license, passport, etc).

A regional campus ID center. For times & locations please see: www.onecard.uconn.edu/regional_campuses.html

Stamford Campus ID Hours:
Monday, 10am-11:30am, 2-3:30pm
Tuesday, 10-12:30pm, 4-6pm
Wednesday, 10-11:30am, 2-3:30pm, 5-6pm
Thursday, 10am-12:30pm, 4-6pm
Friday, 11am-2pm

For the latest updates on the re-carding process, check the One Card Office website at www.onecard.uconn.edu

Winter Formal Details…

UConn Stamford First Formal
Friday, February 2, 2007
from 6:00-11:00PM in the Concourse
Cost: Free!

Each UConn Celebrity is allowed one date. Formal Attire is required. Light Appetizers and Desserts will be served. An Award Show will also take palce.

Dress code:
Ladies- a formal dress
Guys: no jeans, nice slacks, collared shirt, tie and jacket

Award show:
Some of the categories will be “best dressed”, “best hair” etc. There will be a panel of three judges.

There will be a photographer who will be taking pictures in an area with a backdrop for couples.

UConn Stamford Bus Shuttle Schedule

On Janurary 16th, after much anticipation, The University of Connecticut proudly announced its new UCONN Shuttle Bus Service!

Starting January 29, 2007, all pick ups and drop offs will be made only on Franklin Street and at the Stamford Train Station.

For access to this service you will need to show your UCONN ID to the driver.

The Shuttle hours are:
• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – 7:00 AM to10:30 PM

• The Shuttle will not run on Fridays.

To Staff and Faculty: If you are having visitors use this shuttle service, please contact Sheila Moore with the name(s) at least one day in advance. She can be reached at 203-251-8405 or by email at Sheila.Moore@uconn.edu.

All passengers please note the shuttle does not make any other stops. There is no food, drink, smoking, etc allowed on the shuttle. All standard safety regulations must be followed.

UConn Alumni Association Scholarship Opportunity

The UConn Alumni Association is still accepting applications for the 2007-
2008 Scholarship Program. Please follow this link, http://www.uconnalumni.com/scholarships/index.cfm
for more information and to download a copy of the application form.

Don’t delay! Apply today! Deadline is January 31, 2007.
Please contact Ann Salina for additional information.

Ann M. Salina
Manager of Student Programs &
Alumni Career Services
2384 Alumni Drive
Storrs, CT 06269
(860) 486-8705
(888) UC-ALUM-1 (toll free)