Pick up an application in the Registrar’s office (2.02)
Deadline: Tuesday, Freuary 6, 2007
Pick up an application in the Registrar’s office (2.02)
Deadline: Tuesday, Freuary 6, 2007
Is copying material for an educational purpose considered fair use and acceptable under copyright law?
Can a faculty member copy chapters from a textbook and distribute them to students?
Can videos be shown in class without permission from the copyright owner?
The answers to these questions and many more can now be found at the University Libraries’ new copyright web site.
After much anticipation, The University of Connecticut Stamford Campus proudly announces
its new UCONN Shuttle Bus Service!
UPDATE: Starting January 29, 2007, all pick ups and drop offs will be made only on Franklin Street and at the Stamford Train Station. The Shuttle hours are:
• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – 7:00 AM to10:30 PM
Starting January 16, 2007, all pick ups and drop offs will be made only on Franklin Street and at the Stamford Train Station.
For access to this service you will need to show your UCONN ID to the driver.
The Shuttle hours are:
• Monday & Wednesday – 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM
4:30 PM – 10:30 PM
**There will be no shuttle between 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM
• Tuesday & Thursday – 7:00 AM – 10:30 PM
The shuttle will run continuously only on Tuesday and Thursday.
• The Shuttle will not run on Fridays.
To Staff and Faculty: If you are having visitors use this shuttle service, please contact Sheila Moore with the name(s) at least one day in advance. She can be reached at 203-251-8405 or by email at Sheila.Moore@uconn.edu.
All passengers please note the shuttle does not make any other stops. There is no food, drink, smoking, etc allowed on the shuttle. All standard safety regulations must be followed.
The UConn Stamfor Co-op will be buying back textbooks during the Winter Intersession period on January 11, 12 & 15! Hurry and bring your textbook back and get some cash!
If you have further questions contact the UConn Stamford Co-op at 203.251.8544.
The Jeremy Richard Library Spring Semester Hours 2007
January 16-May 5, 2007
Monday-Thursday 8:00Am – 9:00PM
Friday 9:00Am – 4:30:00PM
Saturday 11:00Am – 4:00PM
Saturday, March 3 CLOSED
Monday March 5 -Thursday, March 8 9:00AM-5:00PM
Friday, March 9 9:00-4:30PM
Saturday, March 10 CLOSED
Let your Internet searching help a good cause! GoodSearch is a search engine which donates 50 percent of its revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users. It’s a simple and compelling concept. You use GoodSerach exactly as you would any other search engine and it is powered by Yahoo! so you get proven search results. The money GoodSearch donates to your cause comes from its advertisers — the users and the organizations do not spend a dime!
Enter the charity or school you support here, click “verify,” then search from above. You can even donate to UCONN!
The Academic Computer Lab will close for vacation at 2:00 pm on Friday, December 15, 2006. They will reopen at 11:00 am on December 26, 2006.
The computer lab (3.05) will be open during Winter intersession from 11:00 until 7:00pm daily.
12/26-12/29 Tueday-Friday 11-7pm
1/01 -1/06 Tuesday-Saturday 11-7
1/08-1/12 Monday-Friday 11-7
UConn Advance
Ultra-thin models may hurt women’s self-esteem, study finds
by Beth Krane – December 11, 2006
Magazine ads featuring ultra-thin models may make young women feel worse about themselves, especially if they already suffer from poor body image, according to a new study conducted by Gayle Bessenoff, an assistant professor of psychology based at the Stamford campus.
Bessenoff’s findings were published in the most recent issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly.
(Note: Psychology of Women Quarterly, Vol. 30, issue 4, pg 239 “Can the Media Affect us? Social Comparision, Self-Discrepancy, and the Thin Ideal.”)
The Stamford Campus Scholarship is now on the Director for Student Services’ website. Just click on the link below, fill out and bring to Student Services (Room 2.01).
The scholarship is for All Stamford Campus Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Students who plan to continue their undergraduate/graduate studies Fall, 2007 at UCONN/Stamford or Storrs.
Applicants should have completed One (1) full semester of coursework at the University of Connecticut to be eligible for a scholarship.
Pep Rally on Wednesday 11/29 in front of Co-op Bookstore!
Rich Concourse 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. – Performances by UConn Stamford students
Holiday Vendors:
UConn Co-op Technology Fair – Technology experts from Storrs with the latest products available through the Co-op
2 Jewelry Vendors
Enchanted Bear – Build your own Bear vendor, Rosie Blake’s Chocolates, Holiday makeovers and facials, Liberty Travel with package deals for Spring Break, Handouts and giveaways, refreshments and more!
Stop by, do some shopping with the holidays approaching fast and have some fun before finals!
Sponsored by the UConn Co-op, C.A.P and SGA