Discolored Water/Stamford Area

Please do not drink from the water fountains on campus.

Ed Anderson has been in contact with Bridgeport Hydraulics regarding the rust-colored water that we are currently noticing on campus. He was informed that this problem is being experienced in several areas in Stamford, and the source of the discoloration is being checked by the water company.

Until the situation is resolved, please do not drink the water from fountains.

No time estimate was given for the resolution of this problem.

As a reminder, please do not drink from the public water supply until this is rectified.

Source: Stamford Campus Announcements Listerv

UNESCO Lecture at UConn Waterbury- Oct. 17th

The Waterbury Campus is pleased to announce a lecture in conjunction with UConn’s UNESCO Chair and Institute of Comparative Human Rights and the 7th Annual Comparative Human Rights Conference.

China Keitesi, a former child soldier from Uganda, will present

“The Rights and Plights of Women and Children”

Date: Tuesday, October 17
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: Multi-purpose Room, Waterbury Campus

Students from several local high schools have been invited to attend. Faculty, staff and students are also encouraged to attend. Faculty requesting to bring a group of students to the program should contact kris.henaire@uconn.edu to confirm space availability.

Summer Session Survey Underway

Students, we want to hear from you…check your Huskymail for this survey and respond!

Beginning Wednesday, September 27th and ending October 11th, students will be asked via email to complete a brief survey examining summer course offerings. This questionnaire will help us gather important data about the likelihood of students to enroll in summer classes, preferred courses and effective summer schedules.

Critical to our success in shaping future summer course offerings will be high student response to this survey. Please encourage other UConn students to look for this email and seize the opportunity to contribute to the future of UConn’s summer session program.

Students who complete the survey will be entered in a drawing for iPods, UConn Co-op gift certificates and men’s and women’s basketball tickets.

Create Your Secret Questions and Answers (NetID)

it’s bound to happen. You forget your Netid and password. UITS has put a system of Secret Questions and Answers in place so that users can change their passwords if they ever lose or forget them. Visit the UConn NetID website.

Once you have set your password, please visit the link labeled “Secret Questions” to create your Secret Questions and Answers which will aid you in changing a forgotten password in the future.

If you have previously created your Secret Questions and Answers, visit http://netid.uconn.edu and click on “Reset your forgotten password”. You will be asked for your NetID and 8-digit date of birth. Once your identity is confirmed, you will be prompted with each of the questions you previously selected as your Secret Questions. If you supply correct answers to each question, you will be allowed to choose a new password.

If you have not yet created your Secret Questions and Answers, you will need to contact the Help Center (helpcenter@uconn.edu, or 860-486-4357, option #3) to reset your password.

Rock-Star Event Today

Rock-Star Event
September 26, 2006
11:30am to 1:15pm

Live performance begins at 12:30. Performances include:
* Song by: Anya (I love to rock and roll)
* Salsa dance by: Rosa & Eber
* Song by Chinedu Ogbenta A.K.A Chi-Chi
* Poem by: Tyrone Whitaker
* Free-Style dancing with the student
Body by: Bianca & Linne

These events will be held at Whitey Heist Park located adjacent to the campus.

Refreshments will be served, and Coke will be handing out FREE give-aways to the student body. So come on over and have some fun with Coca-Cola and Rock-Star.

Presented to you by:
Coca-Cola, UConn CO-OP, Student Government Association (SGA), and the Center for Academic Programs (CAP)