Plagiarism Discussion

The SOURCE Writing Center presents a discussion concerning

PLAGIARISM……knowing what it is…knowing how to avoid it.

It’s a word we hear thrown about a lot at the university. It’s the most serious concern of faculty and administrators. Now students will have a chance to learn more about the idea of academic dishonesty and how to avoid it while having the opportunity to ask questions about their own concerns.

We will hold two discussions:

MARCH 17th @ 3 p.m. in the Library’s e-classroom


APRIL 14th @ 3 p.m. in the Library’s e-classroom

Hope to see you there!


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Information Center hours for Spring Break 2008

The Information Center hours for Spring Break 2008 are as follows:

·        Monday, March 10th through Thursday, March 13th

8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

·        Friday, March 14th

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

·        Saturday, March 15th

Information Desk will be closed

·        No Shuttle Bus service during Spring Break

The Information Center and the Shuttle Bus will return to its normal business hours on Monday, March 17th.

Please note that this schedule only relates to the Information Center and the Campus Building hours will remain the same.

Affordable textbooks on the way

The U.S. House of Representatives has just passed a very important piece of legislation to help bring transparency to the textbook market. read more at Stingy Scholar blog.

The College Opportunity and Affordability Act (H.R. 4137) includes three critical provisions to help students deal with textbook prices.
  • First, it requires publishers to tell faculty the price of textbooks when professors are choosing books for their classes.
  • Second, the bill makes publishers sell the parts of bundled textbooks separately.
  • Third, the bill encourages colleges to give students course booklists the semester before the class starts so they can shop around and look for better deals.

Writing Workshop Room Change on Febuary 6th

Please be aware that the writing workshop scheduled for Weds. Feb. 6th -in the e-classroom has been relocated to the Conference Room instead.

The Source Writing Center is offering biweekly Writing Workshops in the Librar’s Thomson eClassroom.


1/30: Writing Anxiety
2/6: Brainstorming & Paper Planning
2/20: Thesis Statement Development
3/5: Organization & the Craft of Revision
3/19: Grammar & Sentence Mechanics
4/2: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA
4/16: Using and Quoting Sources: APA
4/30: Written Test Taking Strategies

WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD TWICE A DAY: 11:30 am – 12;30 pm AND 4:30-5:30 PM

Bring your current work! Drop in at any point during the workshop. For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins, Assistant Coordinator of Writing melissa.mullins ‘at’



The Connecticut primaries are on Tuesday, February 5. 

You can only vote in the primary of the party you are registered for. 

IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE or IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE YOUR PARTY AFFILIATION or IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS, stop by the table in the Concourse at lunch time or the Center for Women’s Studies (room 311) to fill out a registration form MONDAY, Jan, 28, TUESDAY, Jan 29, and WEDNESDAY, Jan 30.  It will only take two minutes, and we will mail in your form for you.


Center for WS Spring 2008 hours:


Monday       11am-6pm

Tuesday      11am-6pm

Wednesday 11am-6pm

Thursday     11am-6pm




The SOURCE WRITING CENTER offers biweekly

 WRITING WORKSHOPS in the Library’s Thomson eClassroom


1/30: Writing Anxiety  

2/6: Brainstorming & Paper Planning 2/20: Thesis Statement Development   

 3/5: Organization & the Craft of Revision 

3/19: Grammar & Sentence Mechanics  

4/2: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA 

4/16: Using and Quoting Sources: APA 

4/30: Written Test Taking Strategies 


11:00 am – 12:00 pm   AND  4:00 – 5:00 pm 

Bring your current work! Drop in at any point during the workshop and stay as long as you like!

For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins, Assistant Coordinator of Writing melissa.mullins”at”

Human Rights Film

Dear All;

Human Rights Film Series is continuing this semester with three films (two documentaries and a feature film): Tying the Knot (a look at the debate over same sex marriage in the USA) When the Levees Broke (an examination of the U.S. government’s role and its response to Hurricane Katrina by the acclaimed director Spike Lee) Daughters of the Sun (a feature film on gender and workplace issues in an international context)

Here is the link to the series flyer, which provides information on dates, times, and locations: