Search or Order your textbooks on-line from the Co-op

The UConn Co-op now offers Textbooks to Go.  View and order your books on-line for in-store pick up, but order by Tuesday 8/24. 

Please go to:

Click on Textbooks to Go and make sure you select your appropriate campus and fill in your PeopleSoft number when prompted.

If you just need to f ind out what books are needed for your classess,  you can search your  Textbook by class list!

 Read here for further instructions!

Thanks and have a great fall semester!

-UConn Co-op

ReferenceUSA subscription available to CT residents

The Connecticut  State Library’s subscription to ReferenceUSA is now available to any resident of Connecticut with a State Library card. 

ReferenceUSA: provides directory information for US businesses in all zip code areas and has really good coverage of small private, local companies. A mapping feature allows one to identify businesses within a certain radius by SIC and NAICS codes.

ReferenceUSA can be accessed at:

Residents can apply for a State Library card in person or by mail using the procedure described here:

Questions can be directed to the State Library at:

Wireless Printing Now Available

Attention UConn Students, Faculty and Staff!  Now you can use your own laptop to print directly to the Stamford Library B&W printer in the library when connected to UConn-Secure Network. Ask at the Library Services Desk for more information or go to

PC Laptop User

  • Login to the UConn Secure Network    (you will need your NetID)
  • Go to:
  • Select and download driver ~ Stamford Library B&W to install on your laptop

Apple Laptop users, you’ll find instructions for MAC OS X at the website.

Have you tried UConn Worldcat yet?

It’s the closest thing we have to Google….for more information click.

UConn WorldCat  is available directly from the Libraries’ Home Page.  Use the  single search window to find  books, articles, DVDs, and more from UConn and libraries worldwide!  For items that are not in Stamford, there is a link to request through Interlibrary Loan.  To learn more, please stop by the library or contact us.

New Course Reserves Kiosk Online

Course Reserve Kiosk

Course Reserve Kiosk

Course Reserve Kiosk

Course Reserve Kiosk-Select Your Campus

The University Libraries has implemented a new Course Reserve Kiosk that is accessible anywhere, anytime for all campuses.  The Student course reserves can now be accessed from the Course Reserves link on the libraries home page–http://www.lib.uconn.eduLog in with your NetID and Password

Faculty can also submit their course reserve materials online from the same place. Select the Faculty link and complete the Reserve Request Online form. Once your items have been submitted and processed, your students will be able to view the books you have placed on Reserve (to pickup from the Ciruclation desk) and  view articles  online, available for reading from their HuskyCT site.

Free access for a month to 2 Million eBooks (World eBook Fair)

World eBook Fair Collection
Open Access to eBooks from 7/04/09 to 8/04/09.

Created by contributions from 100+ eLibraries from around the world, here are the largest collections.

Starting July 4th 2009 is the Fourth Annual World eBook Fair. Our goal is to provide Free access for a month to 2 Million eBooks.

..100,000+from Project Gutenberg
..500,000+from The World Public Library
..1,385,000+from The Internet Archive
..250,000+from eBooks About Everything
….17,000+from IMSLP 

Browse The World eBook Collections

UConn Stamford Writing Program~ Faculty Workshop

The UConn Stamford Writing Program presents:  Faculty Development Workshop:
Working with ESL Writers

Monday, Oct. 29
Time: 12:30-1:30
Location: Thomson e-Classroom

All welcome! Any questions? Please send an email to serkan.gorkemli ‘at’


Serkan Gorkemli
Assistant Professor
Coordinator of Writing and Composition

Department of English
University of Connecticut, Stamford
One University Place
Stamford, CT 06901
Office 203-251-9585
Fax 203-251-9534 

Open House ~10/27 Saturday

The UConn Stamford will host an Open House for prospective students on Saturday October 27th from 10:30 am to noon. Students, faculty and staff interested in volunteering to participate in this recruitment event would be most welcome.
Please call Kerrie Mills at 203 251 8541 or email e at Kerrie.mills ‘at’

Library Workshop 9/11 @ Noon

Attention Faculty:

Please join us this afternoon at the library in the Thomson eclassroom.

We will be conducting an hour long workshop on “Creating Effective Research Assignments and Information Literacy.”

Effective assignments develop not only students’ research skills, but their critical thinking abilities and subject knowledge. Attend this workshop to discuss how faculty and librarian collaboration can work toward developing assignments that enhance course objectives and minimize frustration.

New book by UConn Stamford Faculty – Anne Farrell

Congratulations to our Stamford Faculty, Professor Anne Farrell (HDFS) who has co-authored a new book publication entitled “Positive Strategies for Students with Problem Behaviors” Learn more about the book here

Check Availability from Library Catalog 

Read the Stamford Advocate article,0,3439237.story?coll=stam-news-local-headlines