Library Forum – Mandatory Open Access: Friend or Foe?

The University of Connecticut Libraries Scholarly Communications and Forum Teams cordially invite you to a public forum on the various ramifications of an important new development in scholarly publishing. “Mandatory Open Access: Friend or Foe? Coming to Terms with National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Federal Research Public Access Act legislation”  The event will explore the impacts of the newly passed NIH public access mandate on scholarly societies, publishing and the peer review process.The mandate, which became law in December, 2007, requires that journal articles resulting from NIH-funded research to be made freely available to the public within 12 months after publication.  The forum will also look at proposed legislation such as the 2006 Federal Research Public Access Act, which would expand that mandate to include research funded by other U.S. government agencies. Additional informational links about the NIH Public Access Policy from NIH, SPARC and ARL:

 See also: Open Access: Friend or Foe? Coming to Terms with National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Federal Research Public Access Act legislationMarch 26 from 3 to 5 p.m. in Konover Auditorium in the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, Storrs, Ct campus.  

Plagiarism Discussion

The SOURCE Writing Center presents a discussion concerning

PLAGIARISM……knowing what it is…knowing how to avoid it.

It’s a word we hear thrown about a lot at the university. It’s the most serious concern of faculty and administrators. Now students will have a chance to learn more about the idea of academic dishonesty and how to avoid it while having the opportunity to ask questions about their own concerns.

We will hold two discussions:

MARCH 17th @ 3 p.m. in the Library’s e-classroom


APRIL 14th @ 3 p.m. in the Library’s e-classroom

Hope to see you there!


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RefWork Workshops offered in March


The Jeremy Richard Library (JRL) will be offering several RefWorks workshops in March.
(March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 24th & 25th)
Register for a class:

 You Learn how to:

  • Create a personal RefWorks library of references by directly exporting search results from popular journal research databases;
  • Search within your RefWorks library and keep references organized with folders;
  • Generate a quick bibliography of references in APA, MLA or other bibliographic style.

Don’t have time for a workshop? Then check out these Refworks Tutorials

NetID-based services currently unavailable

Any user who is trying to access any service which relies on NetID—for example, MyHomer, BLC-VC, DD-ILL request forms, remote access to E-Resources—is currently unavailable because one of the servers which supports it is experiencing problems.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

New Guest Network Registration System at Libraries

The Regional Campus Libraries (Avery Point, Greater Hartford, Stamford, Torrington and Waterbury)  now have GuestReg Kiosks dedicated to walk-in GuestID Network registration only. Individuals not affiliated with UConn seeking computer or wireless access to the University Network with a personal computer or wireless device are considered guests and need to register at these Kiosks and present photo identification to library staff. The University has ID Centers at several locations with these GuestReg Kiosks.

Read more about it from UITS News

Cash Printing Unavailable in the library

Please note that the Jeremy Richard Library is unable to offer cash printing at this time. We are attempting to resolve this issue, however for now, only users with a UConn ID (Husky One Card) will be able to print from our computers. If you haven’t already done visit the Co-op to add money to your One Card.

The public photocopier will continue to accept both cash and the Husky One Card.


We apologize for any inconvenience.