The Source Writing Workshops in the Library

THE SOURCE now offers biweekly WRITING WORKSHOPS on common writing issues in the Library’s Thomson eClassroom.

10/3: Brainstorming & Thesis Statements
10/17: Organization and the Craft of Revision
10/31: Grammar and Sentence Mechanics
11/14: Using and Quoting Sources: MLA
11/28: Using and Quoting Sources: APA

WORKSHOPS WILL BE HELD TWICE PER DAY: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm AND 5:00 to 6:00 pm

***Sign Up Sheets will be at the library’s Circulation Desk but drop-in are welcome***

For more info, contact: Melissa Mullins melissa.mullins”at”

Copy machine coin operator not working

UPDATE: coin machine now functioning normally.

The public photocopy machine is working however it can only be accessed by using your One Card (UConn Husky ID) today. The coin/cash option is currently disabled. We have placed a service call to have the problem fixed soon.

Don’t forget that you can add money to your One Card at the UConn Stamford Co-op/Bookstore.

We apologize for the inconvienence.

Download the New UConn Root Certificate

To make sure that your browser will continue to work with all Library web sites that use the UConn secure certificate, please download the new root certificate for your browser at

Why download the UConn ROOT Certificate?

Because you save time. Install the UConn ROOT Certificate so your browser will trust all sites that are secured by UConn. Otherwise, you will have to install a Web Certificates for each and every secure UConn web site.

HOMER, catalog working again today

Today thus far, our library Catalog HOMER is back up but you will experience some slowness in searches and logins. We are still working hard to bring HOMER back to its full capacity. Remember as an alternative try using the State-wide library catalog reQuest or Worldcat. You can run searches for an author/keyword/title/subject, to find out if the UCONN libraries has your item.

You are still able to make Interlibrary Loan and InterCampus requests by using the Libraries online loan request form on the DD-ILL page. Don’t forget to include a call number and the campus location of the title needed.





Uploading Word 2007 docs in HuskyCT

Attention Faculty & Students,

All Microsoft office 2007 programs save files in an xml format; making it difficult to share them through HuskyCT. Students uploading assignments should save then in the 1997-2003 format.

1. o7 XLM files can be saved in the 97-03 “compatibility format” by clicking on the Office button

2. Save as > 97 -2003 format

3.To make the change permanent for every time youi save a file; you can change the default. Click on “options.”

4. Save under the 1997-2003 compatibility format. Click OK

message from the Learning Resource Center <>

Uploading Word 2007 docs in HuskyCT (.pdf)

Cash Printing $0.25cents on Oct. 1

Effective October 1, 2007 the library’s Cash printing cost will be $0.25 cents per page.

If you have your Husky One Card, the cost of Card printing remains at $0.10 cents per page. Get your photo taken at the Registrar office in room 2.02 during photo hours and pick up your Husky One Card about 1-2 weeks later. (

You will need your One Card to charge out books, retreive Reserve materials, Printing and Photocopy at the Library.