Update on UCONN Fulltext

UConn FullText? is an OpenURL link resolver–a service designed to link you to online full-text journal articles. When journals are not available online, UConn FullText? offers links to HOMER and Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. This service can save you a lot of time, but it does not always work perfectly. Find out more about UConn FullText?, why it does not always work well, and what to expect in the future.

Library Database: D&B Key Business Ratios

D&B’s Financial Information Database consists of aggregated financial statements of U.S. corporations, partnerships, and proprietorships. Financial and operating ratios by SIC classification. To access click on “Key Business Ratios” in left frame.

Currently in order to search by SIC you would need to tab over to “Report” and scroll down a drop down of codes.

Access this Database

LinkFinderPlus Temporarily Disabled

T0 Faculty and students,

The LinkFinderPlus, the libraries link resolving software (the “UConn FullText?” buttons ) will be temporarily disabled and the buttons will not show up for the duration in search results of databases in which you would expect to see them. We apologize for the late notice and any inconvenience.

New Library Databases: Nation Digital Archive

Searchable archive of The Nation from 1865 to the present.

The Nation is America’s oldest weekly magazine. Its 135+ years of reporting, opinion, and criticism make for an unmatched collection of primary source material, indispensable to anyone interested in the history of politics, culture, books and the arts — in the U.S. and around the world.

FEATURES: World-class primary source material from the finest writers, artists and activists ofthe past 135 years.•Over 6,800 weekly issues•Fully searchable by author, title, keyword or date range•View and print the actual pages from the original issues•Nearly 200,000 pages•Over 20,000book reviews•Over 3,000theater reviews•Nearly 8,000film reviews•More than10,000 poems•Thousands of cartoons and illustrations

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New Library Database : Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements

The UConn Libraries now has online access to the Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements! Nearly 100 peer-reviewed, research-based entries on over-the-counter supplements.

The checkpoint for the many over-the-counter supplements carried in today’s nutritional products marketplace, this encyclopedia presents peer-reviewed, objective entries that rigorously review the most significant scientific research-funneling basic chemical, preclinical, and clinical data into a descriptive form universally useful to health care professionals, researchers, and educated, health-conscious consumers.

Access this database now!